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Hi all! I searched past posts, but I couldn't find anything about compression hose and pain. I've only recently started wearing them; also, I'm wearing the No Nonsense ones that I picked up at rite aid that don't give a number. But when I wear them, I feel pain in my legs, especially when I walk. I've left a message with my doctor, but the office hasn't gotten back to me yet. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? I thought maybe the pain, which isn't too sever, but kind of shoots through my legs, is from blood circulating the right way when I'm not used to it. I also have that tingling pins and needles feeling. Anyway, I was mostly just wondering if anyone else experienced pain with compression. (It does seem to be helping as far as keeping me conscious, though)


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Did they ever get back to you? Do you still have the pain?

Is it hose that goes to your waist? Is it made of pantyhose material or a tighter weave of material?

Did you use a size chart, so do they seem to be the right size?

I would watch if they are too tight and painful, you could be cutting down your circulation (a bad thing...).

Also, with cutting of circulation etc. you can run a greater risk of blood clots etc.

So, if you think it doesn't feel right, take them off, and watch your legs for any turning of colors etc. Then, try to get a hold of your dr. before wearing them.

Good Luck! :)

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I was carefully measured for my compression stockings (only knee highs) by a specially trained vascular nurse. As well as measuring the physical size of my legs she also checked the pulses in my feet and calculated the difference in systolic blood pressure between my elbow and my ankles (put a BP cuff on my arms and legs and used a doppler ultrasound probe to listen for the blood flow).

I would talk to your doctor and see if you can arrange to be properly fitted for some compression hose. They are often tight and uncomfortable (hot / itchy) but they shouldn't actually hurt, sounds like they might be too tight or bunching up and causing pressure.


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meg.. ive expereinced sweeling while wearing hose.. i wear knee high they work the best for me.. uhm but i got measured everytime i get new ones...

you can get this done at medical supply stores.. there are staf members trained in fitting you for compression garments...

you may find that pain goes away once you get the right fit for you with the right compression level as well...

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Guest tearose

Please do get them fitted to be sure they are the right size. No, in my opinion you should not have pain while using them unless maybe you are squishing a nerve? It also sounds unusual that you got them at rite aid and they were not sized with the level and size of compression. I work with a surgical pharmacy for the daily pair of 40mm hose, if I get a over the counter pair, it is just to hold me over so I can wash my "good ones". They generally run looser and cheaper.

Kind of related...

I have torn knee miniscus' and the compression helps me not feel the pain. I recently injured my left knee (by trying to squat down, dumb know) and the only way I can walk is with that compression, it is somehow supporting the kneecap or relieving the muscles around the knee.

Oh, it takes time to learn how to put on these hose and then you should always allow time to don them and rest if you need to. You will understand if you are in theraputiclly working ones (is that a word?), you should feel better after having them on for 20-30 minutes. I cant take medicines for my POTS and this is life saver! you should hand wash them to help them last.

good luck.


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I'm Meg's mom - she's not wearing regular compression hose but light support panty hose. She got a slightly bigger size and they are helping the pooling of blood in her feet and she hasn't passed out while wearing them. She's still waiting for Dr. Grubb's office to call back. Both she and I have called several times over the past two weeks. (They aren't as good at returning calls as they used to be.) Anyway, we've decided that she'll keep wearing them as they are helping but she'll ask Bev (Dr. Grubb's NP) if she should be wearing actual compression hose or just continue to wear the light support. Thank you all for your comments and concerns.

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