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Weakness And Shakiness


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I have felt that way in the past, though it's gotten better. Sometimes I have tremors in my hands, though not at this time. One doctor was convinced that I must have hyperthyroid. But I didn't, and I chalked it up to anxiety. But now that I know I have dysautonomia, that wasn't the whole story!

As always, you might want to check with your doctor ... you know the drill!


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Yeah, I have had quite a bit of that. For me much of it is my Essential Tremor. Other times it is because I need to eat, am tired, or muscles have fatigued. I hate typing assignments because I always hit the wrong keys or press the same one twice quickly! So, it can be frustrating! :blink:

I guess just make sure to try and eat well, be well rested, and take any meds on time. Other than that make sure to watch a lot of carbs that cause reactive hypoglycemia which can cause shakiness. Also, watch caffiene.

It could be fatiguing of muscles... make sure that your electrolytes etc are good.

If concerned make sure to mention it to dr. so that they can check anything that could be wrong, but it could just be part of the whole big package of fun! :unsure:

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Guest tearose

Well, I have had these symptoms but with a slight variation from what you are experiencing. It was at a time of total weakness. I had shakiness when trying to be still or right away upon standing, I also could not turn regular doorknobs and my balance was off. I remember walking into walls and more than average bruises.

I had been sick with a bad virus and then these symptoms came on.

They did resolve over several months.

I hope your symptoms will resolve too.

best regards,


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