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Adrenaline (yuck)

Mrs. Burschman

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For those of you with POTS, maybe it doesn't really matter, but I've been trying to figure out what type I might have. I was wondering if only those who have the hyperadrenergic brand get those lovely "adrenaline rushes," or if that happens to everyone with POTS, regardless of the type. Also, I'm 99% sure that mine was inherited. For all you experts out there, does that point toward one type or the other?

My doctor was no help. His nurse said, "Yep, you have POTS" and told me to eat more salt. He didn't test my norepinephrine levels during the TTT.

Hope you don't mind being dragged into my little "Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew" sleuthing adventure. :)

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Generally testing the catecholamines during an attack is a good way to get a diagnosis. However, I was determined to have hyperadrenergic pots because my blood pressure spiked during the Tilt and then dropped out. (So I went from 115/75 to 158/90 to 90/ (um I can't get a dystolic!)) Because of that massive spike followed by a 70 point drop, I was told that it was hyperadrenergic pots. If that's what happened during your tilt, I'd say it's probably hyperadrenergic pots (but I'm not a doctor)


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Generally testing the catecholamines during an attack is a good way to get a diagnosis. However, I was determined to have hyperadrenergic pots because my blood pressure spiked during the Tilt and then dropped out. (So I went from 115/75 to 158/90 to 90/ (um I can't get a dystolic!)) Because of that massive spike followed by a 70 point drop, I was told that it was hyperadrenergic pots. If that's what happened during your tilt, I'd say it's probably hyperadrenergic pots (but I'm not a doctor)


What kind of medication are you on? Just curious. I get adrenaline rushes and i am only on proamitine and I dont think it helps with that.


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hi.. have had pots for a long time , but know very litle still.. My doc have told me that they cant do tests to find out why.. but on this site and link I gett the destingt feeling that u can..

When I have had ttt test I dont thing the tested anything other then brain, and blodpr..

Does any one know where to start the hunt for why..? ( had symtoms since litle, worsen by age)

And how do u feel adrinelinish..? I have goten "High" on what I call adrinelin many many times, but i dont know if its that.. also have flushings (rest of body can be ice cold, and somthimes hole body) pluss all the other stuff..

have a nice day all of u... :angry:

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What kind of medication are you on? Just curious. I get adrenaline rushes and i am only on proamitine and I dont think it helps with that.


I'm not on any medication for it specifically. I can't take many medications and I don't want to mess with my system any more than I need to. What I've found helps is an herbal supplement called Rescue Remedy. Five drops on my tongue is usually enough to stop these events so long as it is doesn't go on too long before I take it. The supplement does contain alcohol, so I don't know if that would be contraindicated with proamitine. Good luck finding something that works.


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