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Brusing and "Weak blood vessels"

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I reciently needed an iv for rehydration and I felt like a pin cushon. They ended up poking me 14 times before getting a good site. Is this a problem anyone else has? I have had this trouble for a while but it seems to be getting worse. A blood draw is terrible, they poke and dig for a vien that doesn't "blow" on contact. I finally got I person at my Cardio's office that can drw from my foot without leaving a huge black and blue spot. IVs are worse, they need to use Ped. sized needles and still they have trouble. I've started to concider having a pic line put in just to avoid the hassel. Any ideas??? :)

Thank you, Blackwolf

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Hi Blackwolf,

I have the same problem. They use a "baby catheter" and always have trouble for the IV and for blood, though I must say that 14 times blows my record right out of the water!!!!

They always try to say that I am dehydrated (not true) or that my veins "roll." Whatever the case, it leaves them digging every time they miss...I can tell you that when you are truly dehydrated as you mentioned, it does make it more difficult to get the vein. Why are you dehydrated-are you okay?


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There is one department at the hospital that numbs the site before starting an IV. The shot for numbing is practically painless and what a difference it makes when they start prodding around to insert the IV! You wouldn't believe the difference. It won't help with the bruising, but it will eliminate the horrible pain - try insisting on it. Good luck.

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Dear Grambetrie, they tried that to but it seemed like the more they poked, the worse it got. My Cardio said it's called a "strong venious reaction", and isn't unusual among people with "my kind of problems". I even had a really nasty "reaction" to a spinal block I had once a few years ago. My blod pressure bottomed out and I woke up 1 hour later feeling like I had been beaten all around my face. I found out later that my breathing had slowed to 15 breaths a minute, but when the used the normal antihistamines to treat an allergic reaction, they had no effect. They had to use a group of stimulants (I've forgoten the names) to wake me up. Man, I wish I could find someone close who knows what they are doing.

Thanks, Blackwolf

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