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Midodrine / Proamatine And Pregnancy


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I was just wondering if anyone knows what drug class Midodrine is? I am not pregnant but I'm wondering for the future if Midodrine is usually frowned upon with pregnancy? Any thoughts?



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The best place I've found to research medications is rxlist.com. It actually was recommended to me by one of my doctors. Here's what it says:

"Pregnancy Category C. ProAmatine? increased the rate of embryo resorption, reduced fetal body weight in rats and rabbits, and decreased fetal survival in rabbits when given in doses 13 (rat) and 7 (rabbit) times the maximum human dose based on body surface area (mg/m2). There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. ProAmatine? should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. No teratogenic effects have been observed in studies in rats and rabbits."

Obviously something to discuss with your doctor.


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Well, I am not a mom, never been pregnant

And do not play a mom on tv :lol:

But the great surgeon who did my lap hysterectomy said he was familiar with Proamatine/Midodrine and gave it to his pregnant pts.

Course I do NOT know at what stage of the pregnancy they were at but some had fainting issues and it helped.

I know my 87 year old mom never ever fainted except when she was pregnant with her 4 kids.

That was always her sign. Would just happen once and she would see the doc and sure enough, pregnant.

Now for frequent fainters, dropping to the floor is dangerous anytime...so I hope you get info from your doctor.

I just was surprised my OB Gyn was familiar with the drug and knows he is conservative.

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There have been case reports describing women with POTS being on Midodrine during pregnancy and having good outcome. There are also members here who were taking Florinef and Midodrine at conception and throughout pregnancy without any side effects or complications on the baby. While obviously it would be ideal to quit all medications before conceiving, it may not be possible to do so for many patients, so the medications will have to be continued. I am aware of women with Addison's disease who had healthy children while being on Florinef continuously. Discuss your case with a high-risk OB - they have much greater experience managing women with various medical conditions and on various medications than any other physician.

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Thanks to everyone for there input! "doctor guest" - I will be talking with a high risk OB about this medicine. Thanks for your wisdom.

Thanks again everyone,


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I just wanted to add that if you do decide to have a baby and need to be on meds during the pregnancy, you may find that you only need them for the first trimester. Many women with POTS feel better once they reach the 2nd trimester. I know that for me by the time I was 3 1/2 months along I could stand for much, much longer than I could pre-pregnancy. It was a huge difference - more than meds have ever done for me. If I could just stay 4 months pregnant indefinitely I'd be doing well! :wub:

I hope you can find a good local OB who is either familiar with POTS or very willing to learn. Having a good doctor to talk to and ask questions of is a huge help.


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...and I was the opposite. By the last 3rd of my pregnancy standing for long periods was pretty much impossible.

I would think it would be ideal to be under the care of both a high risk ob-gyn and a POTS specialist (eg, an EP) throughout a pregnancy. Pregnancy can affect symptoms in unpredictable ways and even high risk ob-gyn's don't have tons of experience with POTS (mine has seen 3 cases besides mine). I believe that if I had been under the care of both AND diagnosed (of course) my health during pregnancy and my birth experience would have been far improved.

good luck.

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