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Just Checking In

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I haven't been online in awhile and just wanted to check in. I quit my job in October and filed for social security/disabilty and as of lastweek, the social worker said that it was still pending. I know that it sometimes takes awhile, I guess I was just hoping that at least the Social Security part of it would get approved or that i'd hear something about it. At first, it seemed that my health was better after I stopped working, then it resumed it's roller coaster pattern. At least on the days I don't feel well, I stay in bed and don't have to drag myself to work. I've gained a little weight since the last time I was really sick ( a few months ago) and I guess I really can't complain much. I hope everyone else is hanging in there!

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thanks for checking in......I have also read that it can take 8-9 months. But some sooner. I guess it just depends on what the SS department is doing? Good luck.

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