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Question---part Of It's Embarrassing


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I know that getting over stimulated is a part of life for some of you----but does all this happen to you when you try to venture out? I know some of you can't even think about going out---I have been there too.

Does everything go haywire with your guts too, along with the usual potsy nightmare?

Tonight we went to a party-----------that's risky stuff for me, especially hanging in there until midnight for the new years greeting.

Of course we left right after midnight---my legs were already buzzing, and my knees were starting to feel the numbness----------then I start feeling the vibrating in my body ect. Sounds weird, but that's just the way it is lately. Couldn't wait to get out the door. I'm so tired of not being able to go anywhere without this happening on most occasions----sometimes it's mild, and sometimes it's really bad.

Anyway, the whole potsy stuff along with it. My body seems to really put up a fuss when I try to go out---it's so stupid. Even if we have company at home this happens at times. It takes me so long to wind down------------tremors, ect.

Why can't I just have a normal outing----and not feel jittery and on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

You know how many years I have been dealing with this? Many of the years were mild, and not very bothersome, but the last few years have been a bear.

I swear that if this part of my POTS---(the over stimulation) would just go away, the rest could be dealt with a little easier-----not saying things still wouldn't be rough-----just more tolerable.

What a way to greet you on the New Year---sorry folks.......... :rolleyes:

Anyway----I wish for all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year-------------


Maxine :0)

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Hi Maxine. :)

Do not feel embarrassed. You explained something that happens to many of us. In a similar way or not, we know how frustrating it can be.

I assume that some of us had a hard time last night. :rolleyes:

I cannot join a party and have been at home with my husband, waiting for the new year... A quarter after midnight, we were already in bed. I could not even drink a cup of wine... I cannot stand alcohol, as it makes me feel worse.

I love music and I love dancing, but I cannot dance (years ago I had a terrible day in bed on the following day after dancing, with headache, nauseas, etc.)... Furthermore, he lost his mother almost a month and a half ago. She was a sweet and loved Mother-in-Law and we both miss her. B)

So, besides it is difficult for me to enjoy a Party, it was not the best moment to party...

POTS can be really frustrating, I know. And I agree.

Do not be afraid to share it with us. We are here to talk about how we feel too.

You are not alone, Maxine.

Take care,



Happy New Year 2007!

I hope you have a healthier new year.


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Hello maxine!

I have the same problem. I was at work last night (I'm a musician, still able to work most of the time after the initial rough patch - big party last night of course) and I don't know what set me off, me set off I was.

My muscles start spasming - first I get the head nods, then wrists and hands (pretty annoying for a violinist, I must say) then the legs, which as I'm sure you know is reeeeeeeeeally fun when you're trying to walk. At one point I was attempting to get on stage (stairs are bad, don't you know) and my left leg kicked out so hard on its own that my shin connected rather heavily with the edge of the stage. Ow.

So, yeah, you're not alone. I woke up this morning feeling like I ran a marathon yesterday. But I just try to smile through it - which works far less sometime than others.

Here's to a less spasm-y New Year!

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I feel the same way. I have been dealing with this frustrating experience for over 7 years, and I still resent not being able to live a "normal" life. THere are a lot of things I want to do and experience. AFter all, I'm only 27 years old and I sometimes feel like a prisoner. I have days where going to the local grocery store seems like a hike up Mt. Everest. So going to social gatherings, or just to a quiet dinner with my husband is just impossible at times. I have been going to school full time, and that has been a struggle, but social gatherings never seem to be possible for me. I just wanted to say I know exactly how you feel, physically and emotionally.

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maxine...i get easily over stimulated which leads to many potty trips (( :) ))... I get eh shakes and sweats chills... gut spasms and so on..

I pretty much during the day need to keep the house quiet quietquiet.. especially if i wake up on a potsy tare...

I really get that way going to walmart.. and i go at like 12am(midnight) when its dead in the store.. and i still get overstimulated...BOOOOOOOO!

its ashame that (we) cant enjoy normal things...

i hope that you are feeling better today dear!

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