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Dizziness While In Passenger Seat


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I haven't drove in a few weeks and I've been getting a dizziness/lightheaded sensation while in the passenger side. I was wondering if dramamine has helped anyone out with episodes like these. We are going on an hour car drive this evening and of course I'm having anxiety about it.

When I'm in the car it almost feels like I'm over stimulated with all the cars moving, the sounds and different lightings. Do any of you experience this?

This happened in the summer for a few weeks than it just faded away so I'm hoping that it's just a faze and I need to be patient than I'll be driving soon.

Driving used to be my relaxing outlet.....you feel so trapped in the house when you have to depend on others to drive you around. This is especially hard with the kids needing to be places.

My husband was out of town last week and the kids had to miss school. Unfortunately I don't have family close and live far from the school's so no one to car pool with.

I'll sit tight and hope it passes again.

Any imput on dramamine?


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I don't know about dramamine, but for the time being you might try just closing your eyes while riding in the car. A family friend does that, and it's the only way she can avoid getting sick. Her health problems are totally different from ours, so it might not translate, but it's worth a shot.

I hear you on not being able to drive. I have been able to drive sometimes and not others, and when I can, it makes a huge difference in how I feel about myself and my life. I hope this passes quickly.


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Oh Dayna-

I hate to hear about this new symptom. But, YES. Mack had the same thing happen to him before he found an effective treatment plan for his OI and motility problems. He hated the car because he vomited almost every time he rode in it. He still takes an Alleve and 8mg zofran (he says zo') before he rides to school in the AM.

Prior to finding a treatment plan that worked, riding in the car brought out his symptoms big time. After arriving at our destination, he would lean his body against the car for stability, and vomit. It took him almost 20 mins to stabilize from the lightheaded, nauseous feeling.

I hope your doctor is working on tweaking your regimen. This feeling and the subsequent anxiety is all part and parcel of your POTS. This is not a separate issue that should be relegated to your psychiatrist. Best of luck to you. You're in my prayers.



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