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Susan Lake

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I had a colonoscopy done last month and they determined that I have colitis/ Crohns Disease. The doctor put me on Sulfasalzine 3000 mgs a day for 6-8 months minimum. I have noticed that my pots symptoms are much worse on this drug. I am extremely fatigued and more dizzy than normal. The only other drug that I take on a daily basis is Toprol XL.

I have had a series of better days with my pots and now have reverted back since taking this drug. I spoke with my GI doctor about the sulfa drug ( he of course has no clue about POTS) and he said I have no other choice but to take it. My colitis was severe and not taking it could cause more problems.

There is a list of side effects with Sulfa drugs and one is fatigue. I guess that is normal but for someone with POTS, it is much worse!!! If anyone has any experience with this drug, I would love to know if the symptoms lessen after a period of time. If anyone has any helpful tips and would SO appreciate it!!!

Thank you to all who read this!


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I'm allergic to a ton of antibiotics, but for some strange reason, sulfa doesn't bother me. I take Bactrim when I get a major infection; it's one of two antibiotics I can tolerate without an anaphalactic reaction. However, sulfa is a rather common allergy with regard to antibiotics.


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I had to take Septra DS (double strength) recently for a UTI. I HAD to take it. The Cipro didn't work and my infection was bad. Ordinarily I wouldn't have tolerated this drug but I had no choice.

I noticed that after about 2 pills, the side effects eased up a bit. I believe that when there is infection in your body, you can feel really poorly and that when the pill is first introduced and it kills the bacteria, you can feel even worse.

After a few days I felt better and the pills were not affecting me as much.

I'm sure your doctor thinks you really need this med. Is there really any other option? Would something else be better tolerated or are you just going to have to muddle through?

I wish you a speedy recovery and minimum side effects.

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My son has crohn's and didn't tolerate the sulfasalazine either. His GI put him on asacol. It's the same drug with out the sulfa. he does much better on it. I am in no way advocating this drug, but there are a few drugs out there. Another one is pentasa.

You might ask him if it would be possible to at least discuss why he feels these other drugs would not be as helpful. As a rule sulfasalazine is the first line of meds used, but most doctors are amenable to trying the others, as they are certainly better than nothing.

If nothing else, the asacol has improved Jake's canker sore occurances 95%. Multiple canker sores inside the mouth can be a manifestation of crohn's. He used to have 5-10 (OUCH) at any given time. They are the same type of ulcers you can develop in your gut.

Anyway, I would discuss it with him. I did not tolerate it either when I was on it.....

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I only took a sulfa drug once and was declared allergic to the medication, although I did not technically have breathing issues or anything like that. I vomited like three times and got a rash.

Just wanted to say good luck and I hope you become more tolerant of this med over time.


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Thank you for your responses. You are more helpful than the doctors. I am still having the same side effects with the sulfa drug. Morgan, thank you for the tip about trying asacol- without the sulfa. I am calling my doctor tomorrow. I don't think I have the allergic reaction, but I am just too frustrated with the fatigue, I cannot stand it. The thought of being on this drug for a year makes me sick!!!

Thank you again- you are always so helpful.


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