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Brain Fog - What Helps???

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Still have trouble with brain fog - inability to concentrate. Had Dr's. appt. today and she is going to research if any meds are helpful with this sysmptom. I of course take lots of salt and fluids (H20 & Gatorade) lexapro, florinef and lopressor and prental vitamin

Just wondering if anyone else has any suggestions for this symptom?

Thanks you suggestions are always greatly appreciated.


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I wish I had the answer to this question! I know how frustrating this symptom is!

You and your dr. may want to look into Provigil. It's usually prescribed for patients with narcolepsy but has helped some on this forum and a relative of mine to function better. (I tried it and it wasn't for me but probably worth a try! If I had to work I would probably try it again because it helped give me energy)

Take care,


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The answer to your question has been elusive for many of us. Some report good results with Provigil. Others get some help from ssri's...and still others from getting solid sleep with meds to help them, like Ambien.

Again, it's trial and error with you and your doctor trying one thing at a time. For me, one good sized cup of coffee with my AM meds is what I need to clear the cotton out at least for a few hours.

Good luck! Nina

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in the past - for several years in fact - concerta did wonders for me, likely b/c of the combo of it's stimulant effect & it's ability to keep my BP up. midodrine always helps me some too; it used to do wonders, and i'm still worse without it.

:) melissa

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i'm not sure we've met yet, so i wanted to say hi to you and welcome.

i have the brain fog trouble as well. i have very much trouble talking to a person while others are talking or moving as well; when i'm on the phone i can't do conversations when others are around (walking/talking/moving) and i can't walk while someone is talking to me or when talking myself.

i am taking an ssri which helps me with overreacting (in movements and in getting scared) but it doesn't help me with concentration. i once tried ritalin to keep me awake during the day which worked very well for that (and made me feel sharper) but gave me a terrible headache. maybe i should try again.

although i can't really help you i do have a question: what kind of med is provigil? could this help with concentration? i so much would like to drive our car again!

corina :)

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