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Guest veryblue

Do POTS symptoms run in your family?  

36 members have voted

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I checked "no" but there are things that have happened on BOTH sides that make me wonder. I had a grandfather on each side that had mysterious low BP and frequent episodes of fainting, and my father swears he has CFS because he and I have very similar symptoms at times- but is too stubborn to see a doctor about it since it isn't disabling him. Another mystery...

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I am guessing "on my mother's side". My mother's mother had a "difficult" pregnancy--very similar to mine, but of course, never diagnosed (this was in 1938!). She was advised not to have any more children for that reason, and my mother was an only child. My grandmother nearly died during childbirth, just as I nearly did, were it not for modern medicine. She also had problems throughout her life with fainting spells. Overall, though, she was a healthy person with an active life and lived to be 80 (died of Alzheimer's). One of my sisters has been diagnosed with POTS now. My mother has never had any sign of POTS, except that she does have a tendency to low blood pressure (not the the point of having fainting problems.)

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I didn't vote because we have now figured out that it probably comes from BOTH sides for me. After looking at mom's family and then talking to the doc about things I have that dad's mom had he said it was probably in her too. So without proof, we say both sides. It's kinda hard to get the proof as everyone except my parents is dead. Ohh well! :P

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