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Ssd Sending Me For Psychological Eval.

Guest sonotech

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Guest sonotech

Have been in the SSDI process for about 3 months and just recieved a letter in the mail that they have set me up with a local psychiatrist for a "mental evaluation".

Does anyone understand this? I have NEVER seen a therapist in my whole life and have NEVER taken meds for depression/anxienty.

Is this a typical part of the process? And is this a GOOD or BAD indicator as to whether my application could be approved?

Am a little nervous to have to see a psychiatrist.


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Don't be nervous or alarmed, it is oftentimes just a necessary evil. I think you will find the mental health professional to be more compassionate than the medical doctors you have seen. Just be yourself and be honest. And honestly, a mental health diagnosis (such as depression and/or anxiety) can even HELP your case. Good luck!


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I had to do the same thing. She did alot of cognitive testing like, count backwards by 7's from 100. Then would say 5 words then

talk awhile and have me repeat the 5 words.

I think it's pretty common as POTS has a neurological component.

She was concerned as she thought I was depressed.

I obviously "passed" as SS denied me.

Good luck

Dawn :)

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laura -

i know it's easier said than done but try not to worry too much about the eval. SS doesn't always have rhyme or reason to how things are done & what they mean as it often depends on who is involved in reviewing/processing a particular case.

hang in there,

:blink: melissa

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Don't worry about this exam..I had to go through it too. It's VERY common that the SS office will send you to a psych. this has NO bearing on wheather or not you will be approved. When I did it the psych. told me I did not show any signs of psych. disorder and that she believed my illness to be purely physical...and I DID get approved for my benifits.

Try not to worry about it...like Carmen said just be honest and yourself. I was really surprised that the eval. I had simily was some standardized tests...mostly cognitive things...there wasn't any deep or meaningful analysis so don't be scared!! B)

Good luck!

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This is part of the "hoop jumping" for disability that they do for most all people. Do not take it personally. I have to do it each review except this last time I sent in long forms filled out a couple months a part (one was like a LIFE history to prove in detail how LIMITED my life has become in the last 15 years!)

I had to see my therapist to get thru it and to help HER fill out her part she got from them, lol, so we would be on the same page. THEN since I was already seeing a therapist, SSD did not make me see one of their "paid...um...doctors" ?! Most years I was not seeing a therapist so had to see one of "theirs."

Mine have basically been some cognitive impairment briefing and asking questions....Minutiae.

The docs giving the tests during the reviews care not ONE whit about POTS. I have taken in pages about my illness each time (back when it was CFS) and the didn't care.

So it is just what "they do" to waste money AND to try to weed out the folks that are not that ill. The folks that are not that ill, do not want to be hassled and will HOPEFULLY give up.

I strongly suggest the Disinissues Egroup. They told me exactly in examples how to word things, and fill out forms and how to word what I can NOT do as opposed to what I can do.

Also when you go to this appt for the shrink, wear NO makeup...clean hair but do NOT fix it up. Dress neatly but casually. Look like you didn't use much energy getting dressed!

Good luck and hang in there...it's stressful but that's how it is supposed to be!?


P.S. My first review in 1995, the old doc GIVING me the 'mental evaluation' hobbled out to get me on a walker cane, and looked 80 years old..and spoke poor English. He said " Explain theese Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...You tired? I tired. We all tired.


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Guest sonotech

Thanks for the info. I usually do the "bare minimum" getting ready in the mornings anyway since that is my hardest oart of the day. I will have to wear a "little" make up cuz I don't want to scare the poor guy. HA ha ha.

I tried the "disinissues" site but don't understand it. I registered but didn't see any posts. Is it an email only site?

I found quite a bit of info on the "Brain Talk Communities" site which has an entire forum for SSD, but still have some worries. I know everyones case is different.

I am SOOO stressed out over finances and the LAST thing I need right now is stress so I know IF (or I should say WHEN) I get denied the first time, it is going to really upset me.

:D Laura

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You can't VIEW the posts on disability. It only comes in EMAIL. legal questions are asked and we dont[ want the world readin our legal questions. Also so little GOOD INFO is given out for disablility, that when former social security folks and or ATTORNEYS donate time to a site to give the TRUTH, you dont want Soc Sec READING the place either. :D

Sorry you found it confusing as THEIR INFO is PRICELESS! They help so many get through the hurdles and give GREAT DETAIL on what to say and more importantly what NOT to say in paperwork.

If you need any tips, feel free to email me and I will try to help.

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Hi Laura:

You might want to bring some articles with you about how disabling POTS is. If the person you are going to see is a psychiatrist, that means that he or she is also a medical doctor. If you have had a positive tilt table test, you may want to bring the records from that, to show that your problems are due to a circulatory disorder secondary to an autonomic nervous system problem.

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I just went through this myself and this is standard procedure for the Social Security Office. I was very concerned when I received this letter so I called freaking out like what the heck does my mental status have to do with my fainting a few times per DAY!!! Anyways....just to give you a little piece of mind:

They will just ask you some pretty basic questions. The guy I spoke with did NOT want to know anything about POTS...just how POTS was affecting my mental status. My Sister is also a therapist and she said that they have a standard form that they receive and they ask EVERYONE the same questions no matter what they are filing for. This really is NO BIg DEAL! You will be amazed how fast you are in and out of there. 10 Minutes for me but they will tell you to provide 45 minutes to an hour. One more note....the therapist I saw was NOT allowed to discuss with me anything that was not on that sheet. I took in a lot of reading information on POTS and he specifically said...he was NOT allowed to accept it. Go Figure!

Good Luck and seriously.....prepare yourself to be denied the first couple of times but information is starting to get out there about this condition....so there is hope!

Take Care!


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In my case it was used against me. They decided I was not "depressed enough" to need SSDI regardless of my physical condition. When I was denied upon recondsideration they said I did not qualify because I could still "think and communicate". So if you are depressed don't hide it from them thinking they will use depression against you. It might help you.

Just my experience,


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Guest Mary from OH

What your examiner is doing is trying their best to get you APPROVED for disability. I used to work for the BDD (Bureau of Disability Determination). Since POTS isn't listed as a "meets" diagnosis in the blue book, they are trying to get you qualified under a meets in another category. It's the easiest way.

Also, make sure you have a current EKG which shows you have a recurrent abnormal heart rhythm and point it out. (it's under the cardiac chapter for them). Also if you have problems with weight loss/gain sometimes that can qualify you as well. The MORE info you can get from ALL your drs the better!! They NEEDcurrent medical records!! (as well as past med records to show it is a sustained and continuing condition).

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