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Hi Nina,

months ago you gave me very good food suggestions when I was put on a gluten free diet and I just wanted to say a big THANKS. I was SO lost at first! I took your suggestion and ordered from Mr. Ritts so I would have something to compare local gluten free products to. Well, I have researched everything available in my local groceries, including health stores and NOTHiNG compares!! I hate to pay shipping but the other stuff I have bought locally I have thrown away so I guess it sort of works out. THANKS

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Geneva, you are so welcome. His breads and other items are just sooOOoooo good. :) If I went there every week, I'd be so chubby! The cookies are oh so good and the succer torte...ooooh eeeee!

I'm glad you like his baked goods. I don't know what I'd do without them. When I really get to missing my wheat, I know it's been too long since I've been to the bakery. I feel a bit spoiled having him as my local option. It's about a 30 minute drive for me, and when I go there, I also usually make a stop at the Asian grocery too and get my rice noodles and rice flour.

Nina :)

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