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I woke up a little while ago


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With the strangest symptom.

It felt like I was suffocating when I stood up and my neck felt tight with a little shooting pain going up it. When I lye down the suffocating symptom goes away, but when I stand back up, it comes again.

My heart was racing, it still is.

I'm scared. I just saw my neuro yesterday and I feel like such a pain calling him again over every symptom.


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I am sorry you've been having such a rough time with everything. It's awful to have new symptoms happening that are so scarry. If this doesn't resolve you should give him a call just to be sure. It makes you feel bad having to call, but you need to know that you are OK. Your doctor needs to be aware of this regardless, even if he has nothing to offer right now. He needs to be aware incase this should progress to something more. I hope you are ok. Let us know, okay? Laura

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I would not worry about calling your doctor about this symptom, especially if it is something new. Sometimes a nurse can be helpful to talk to, if the specialist has one. She or he can help determine whether you need to be seen again.

In any case, it is helpful to track symptoms--are you keeping a diary at all? Do you have a way to check your bp when you have symptoms as well as heartrate? My EP told me this is often helpful to a doctor is determining appropriate care.

I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. There are so many symptoms associated with this condition and so many that seem to be serious--it is often hard to know what to do when they occur.

Please let us know how you are doing.


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Like everyone else has said, don't worry about calling your doctor with this new symptom it might give him a better idea how to treat you. I have similar symptoms when I am going to sleep and have been awaken by them. I found that my diastolic was dropping below 100 and usually below 90 just from lying down. It would not last long and I could go back to sleep after moving around. This week though, I would wake up with big time smothering that stayed with me even after getting up and I could not go back to sleep because when I would start to drift to sleep the symptoms would restart. Tuesday and Wednesday I only got about an hour sleep. My blood pressure also was not dropping with the symptoms. Someone in another post who had just seen Dr. Grubb said she was told the anxiety she felt was from the body pumping adrenalin to keep her bp up. Maybe this is what is happening. Any way your doctor needs to know this.

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Well, I called my Doctor about my latest symptom. He seemed a little irritated that I called him and really didn't know what to make of it. He kinda chalked it up to anxiety. Of course I feel anxious when I feel like I'm not getting enough air in and getting neck pain upon awakening, which has now turned into face pain as well.

My HR has also been all over the place lately even on a BB. I let the Dr. know this also, but not much of a response.

I'm going to see another neurologist tomorrow, but this one is not very familiar with the autonomic NS.

Hopefully it'll just go away.


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