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Peeing constantly


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One of my remaining symptoms is VERY frequent urination: sometimes every twenty minutes or so. To keep my fluid levels up and me feeling good, I have to drink a galon or more of water a day because I very quickly expell it. The increased water has worsened the frequency; and salt doesn't seem to help. Anybody have any ideas on how to better retain the water?

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You need to replace electrolights not only salt when you are lossing all you are putting in. I lost a lot of weight last summer and had a hard time keeping my water weight back on. In December I talked to my doctor about trying DDAVP there is information about it on this web site. I take only a very small amount but it makes a world of difference. I can sit through a 2hour meeting or sleep well without getting up to pee all night.

Eventually, I plan to back off the drug, and use it only when I 'crash'. But for now my PCP and cardio think it's helping, so no changes until I recover more of my strength.

Good luck on you journey.


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That sounds like an awful lot of water; I'd be peeing every 20 minutes too! DId your doc tell you a to drink more than a gallon? Mine recommended something that is corroborated by the medical articles I've read about POTS-- and that's 2 to 2.5 liters of fluids a day. (And yes, the electrolytes are important, and there are lots of options for getting those if you don't like gatorade.)

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I also "pee" all the time, but I also believe that I "peeed" alot before I was diagnoed with NCS and POTS. My 24 yo daughter also urinates alot as well and has IBS but does not have any other symptoms of NCS or POTS. It is generally worse after my period. some days it is hard to maintain a good fluid balance. I like Propel made by Gatorade to replenish when I exercise or mid-morning snack. Extra salt just makes me go even more. Marty :rolleyes:

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When you guys are peeing a lot is it like you just have to go or an urgent feeling. On days when I am peeing a lot, when it hits, I feel like I have to go right then. I can relate to the people one the comercials for the overactive bladder medication, I have to go now! Does anyone else experiance this?

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To answer your question, Aprilmarie:

I drove from Indianapolis to Muncie this morning; it's about an hour trip from where I am (on the north side of the city). I drank 1 1/2 litres of water before going--a must, or I get dizzy. I had to stop and pee at gas stations in every little village and burg on the way to Muncie; a total of 4 stops. I could hold it between stations, but I could tell my bladder was full; it wasn't ready to give way, but it definitely let me know there was stuff in there ready to come out. I stopped only twice on the return trip, since I didn't drink any more water. When I go, it's usually a full load; I can hold it off for a half hour or so, but I've never risked it longer than that.

Basically, water just passes right through me as if I were a hollow tube; that's why I have to drink so much of it to feel good.

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I am basically like Sak. I have to drink a lot in the morning to feel good the rest of the day. I also put 1/2 teas. of salt in one of my glasses of water. But not long after I drink, I have to go. I usually last about an hour between times. When I get the feeling, it's pretty much an urgent feeling. Same when my bowels move. Go figure?

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I can sympathize. My problem is at night--I can go numerous times. I use DDAVP periodically when things flare up.

I too am curious about all the water. I think it is natural that if you drink so much in the morning and you are sitting in a car for that period you will have to go. Your bladder can only hold so much.

Have you tried drinking V-8 in the morning--that may help because it is sodium-loaded. Caffeinated coffee in the morning may also help.

Florinef will also help you retain fluids.

I think that frequent urination is a simptom of POTS.

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