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HI BriBri,

Welcome to the forum and Happy New Year! :D I tried Midodrine for 3-4 days at a small dosage and it didn't seem to raise my blood pressure. I increased the dosage the last day or two and it still didn't help. Since I didn't notice a difference, I stopped taking it.

However, there are many others on the board that take Midodrine and it's worked very well for them.

You can do a search for midodrine by clicking on the search link in the upper right corner. There have been many posts on this topic.

Hope it works for you. Best wishes.


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Hello, Midodine has worked for me I have taking it up to 6 times a day at 5 mg, but find it works best for me at 5 mg 3 times a day. Good luck with the meds. It may take a while to get the right meds but hang in there. ( I need to tell this one to myself :P )

Happy New Year!!!


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The midodrine does not help me. Although my Cardio still has me on it. He tried me on it alone and it did absolutly nothing, then he put me on Florinef along with the midodrine. I dont know why he kept me on midodrine it doesnt work, but my b/p is fluctuating between low and almost normal, better then need to go to the hospital low. Hope this helps you. Vanessa

Hi everyone,

Just diagnosed with POTS and have just been rxd another medicine. Thi sone is to raise my blood pressure. It's called midodrine or something. Does this work for anyone?

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The midodrine does not help me. Although my Cardio still has me on it. He tried me on it alone and it did absolutly nothing, then he put me on Florinef along with the midodrine. I dont know why he kept me on midodrine it doesnt work, but my b/p is fluctuating between low and almost normal, better then need to go to the hospital low. Hope this helps you. Vanessa

Hi everyone,

Just diagnosed with POTS and have just been rxd another medicine. Thi sone is to raise my blood pressure. It's called midodrine or something. Does this work for anyone?

Hi Everyone,

I am knew to undestanding these illnesses and am a little confused about the Dx of POTS. I thought POTS, abreviated for "Postural Orhtostatic Tachycardia" was defined as orthostatic hypotension with an overcompensation of heart rate (120 or higher). I had pretty much ruled out having POTS because I don't do the tachycardia. When I go from lying or sitting, to standing, MY systolic BP drops 25-30 and pulse goes up 25-30, but I don't get Tachycardic because resting pulse was at 50 before the postion change. My pulse doesn't go over 100. I also understood a symptom of POTS to be a worsening of the tachycardia with prolonged standing. I do not do that. The hypotension gets worse with prolonged standing, but my pulse doesn't continue to climb. I had decided that maybe I have OI, not POTS. Possibly the flip side of the same coin anyhow. I need to do some more research. But, if anyone has advice, bring it on.

Also, I haven't tried Midodrine yet. But, I have tried Florinef and it did correct the orthostatic hypotension, but not the s/s. I am still symptomatic. So, today I might talk with MD about trying Midodrine. I think getting an accurate Dx first is the top priority. I did try Pseudofed because it was the only sympathomimetic I could get without a prescription. It completely wiped out my s/s. I felt great. But, only for 3 days and then it stopped working and made me feel worse. I do understand that taking self Dx to this extent is pushing it. But, I feel I'm running out of time. I feel that this illness is getting uneccesarily worse. I believe some of the progression of my illness is preventable and if it goes on misdiagnosed like this, I could go way over into the point of no return. Is dysautonomia progressive? I guess maybe it depends on several things like underlying cause, etc.

Anyhow, I would appreciate any feedback.

Thanks a bunch,


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