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Woke up with the flu!

Mrs. Glass

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I woke up with the flu this morning.I cant believe it, I even had the flu shot in November. This is so frustrating, why go through the pain and expense if it is not going to work. As if I didnt feel bad already. My b/p is coming up but I still feel horrible. Yesterday I developed a severe headache that would not go away. Sometimes in the night it did leave. I know that it is the Florinef, the last time I was on it when he started adjusting my meds I started getting headaches, and eventually kept one until he took me off of it because my b/p went up too high. I did find out yesterday that laying down made the headache worse, so I got scared and took my b/p it was a little high, but not to the extremes so I calmed down some. I guess the reason that I get so scared is I have no faith in our hospital here. The ER docs are incompetent to say the least. I think all they hire is burn outs who just need a paycheck. So I know that I will not go there if I am in my right mind. My stress level shoots through the roof just thinking I might have to go there. I have to have labs there all of the time, and they seem to do ok. They actually listen to me when I tell them where they will not be able to get blood from me, and if they have to poke me twice it is not because of them it is my veins. They are worn out and used up. Once you get past the ER it is ok if you have insurance. If you dont you are treated like a piece of garbage. I have insurance now, but when I first got sick I did not, and my husband was always calling and complaining about how I was being treated. But the ER is still horrible. So you can see my delimma on getting the flu now. If it gets real bad and sets all of my other problems off, my husband will force me to go. Well enough venting I am going to go lay down because I am so dizzy I can barely hold my head up right now. I am so tired of laying in bed, but that is the only time that I dont have the horrible dizzy spells. Although I get horribly tachy when I lay down, so I have to decide which I like the least. :) Vanessa

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Hi, I am feeling crappy too. This is the third day in a row that I have felt horrible. I get a horrible stomach ache and then my face goes very pale and I feel faint. I am only on the Toprol now, I hope they can find something other than Florinef to give me if my bp is causing this.

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Sorry to hear you are feeling bad! This is third day of terrible sinus infection. been sleeping(?) in recliner because laying flat is terrible headache and sitting up aor standing is dizzy. Today no voice and ears hurt. Dr sent out zpac. course that will screw up candida. I agreeto skip emer dr. especially on holidays. My dr even agreed with that. I hope everyone feels better tomorrow for New year. Pan pizza and rental movie . Whooohoo!:-)

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Guest Belinda

I sure hope you start feeling better and make it through this without having to go to the ER..as I understand what your saying about the ER.

PUSH FLUIDS EVEN MORE IT IS VITAL!!!! not that yoou don't know that I am just reinforcing it to you!

Please let us know how oyu are doing!!

Get Well...Belinda

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I had a terrible flu over Christmas, too. I came down with a sore throat and an ear infection on the 23rd, and then on Christmas Eve was wretchedly sick, vomitting, nausea... ick! I spent the day with my husband's family and laid on the couch with my head hanging over a bucket the entire time. When the feeling would pass for a minute, they'd hand me a gift to unwrap.

Christmas day was spent with my family, I spent another day on the couch unable to move or eat anything. I missed 2 delicious (so I heard) Christmas dinners. Lost 10 pounds in 2 days. Am still recovering from the weight loss, dehydration, and drop in blood pressure.

Merry Christmas, huh? Oh well. :-/ Maybe next year!

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