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Electroylite Sachets


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I have started this thread, as i suggested electroylite sachets yesterday to Deb (hope that is right - serious brain fog this afternoon) in the UK these are known as dioralyte sachets, they are a form of rehydration therapy.

Can anyone help out with the actuall name for the US, as i don't have a clue :(

They work wonders for me


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There are several versions here in the US, most of which come premixed in liquid form. Pedialyte, and Gatorade are both filled with electorlytes. The first one is targetted to children who may have become dehydrated from illness. The 2nd one is targetted to atheletes for rehydration.


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Guest tearose

Hi! I'm running out to get my sleep study report but here is the information I have on the electrolytes I use....Kaolectrolyte is sold in small packets, a box of four for about four dollars. It is produced for "children" however it is also excellent for adults. I mix one packet in 8oz. of cold water and drink. I use it because it is more like a slow-time release infusion of the electrolytes into my body rather than a rush that can come from the adult versions. You can get in plain, in bubble gum or my favorite, grape flavored. In bad times I use one packet an hour. I have never needed more than five packets in a day even in my super bad spells. It is valuable to me because in serious times when I absolutely must drink more water my sodium level plumets...this showed up in a blood test. To keep hydrated in a bad situation or to hydrate quickly, and not lose electrolytes, I use the kaolectrolyte. Does this information help answer your question? tearose

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Thanks for all of that info. I drank Gatorade soon after I was told to eat a high sodium diet, but I can't stand it, and it has so much sugar. I started drinking Campbell's Tomato Juice because it is higher in sodium and potassium than Gatorade and much lower in sugars. Plus I can add a little salt to it without gagging.

I'll try looking for the Kaolectrolyte.


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Also, Smart water, in the health food stores has electrolyes without sugar. Also, the expensive Pelligrini or another Italian water (can't remember the name) in some grocery stores have electrolytes naturally. They're spring water and have natural carbonation. I usually shake them up to get rid of the carbonation.

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Guest tearose

some more answers...kaolectrolyte is available in supermarkets and drug stores, usually near the baby formula section. Most people are familiar with pedialite but this is a large bottle of already mixed ecectrolyte. I like having the small packet in a pocket or tucked out of the way until I need it. Oh, also electrolytes aren't just sodium, it is potassium too. For those who are interested go to www.ldsconsumerproducts.com and look up Kaolectrolyte for more information. Hope this helps.

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Hey, I think I just had an epiphany on this whole water/salt thing (for me)....I drink 8-12 cups of water a day. It makes me very cold and I don't always feel that great. I usually end up drinking a diet pepsi and then it feels like my body picks up. I don't think it's necessarily the caffeine. Maybe it's the sodium. I usually don't like to put salt on stuff. So...maybe if I drink these specialty waters with electolytes in them and sodium....I won't need diet pepsi so much. I'll go buy some of that water and let you know.

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Migraine, beware the caffeinated soft drinks. Pepsi, coke, and other caffeinated beverages (coffee, too, obviously) are dehydrating--and the last thing we pots people need is dehydration! If you do have a Pepsi for a treat (and let's face it, we all need treats now and then), you'll need to be sure to drink extra water or electrolyte drinks to compensate. It's really important to get that 2 - 2.5 liters of fluids a day (67 - 84 ounces) -- and all kinds of drinks count (except the caffeinated ones!) V-8 juice is a great source of vitamins as well as sodium; soups and broths are good too (especially if you prefer warm drinks to cold).

Good luck finding kaolectrolyte or something similar. (I'm a gatorade fan myself--have you tried all the different flavors? There may be something there you like...)


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