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a thought for the writers out there


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When I think about Chicken Soup for the POTs Lover- I can't help but want to add a subtitle: Add More Crackers You Need the Salt! or Chicken Soup for the POTS Lover: When Your POTS is Boiling Over


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Carmen you are too funny!!

pooh.. that would be neat to hear if they are working on a Chicken soup for the chronically ill... I know i've read some of the Soup books and I love them!

I'm sure that we could come up with some GOOOD storeis for this book!!

Shoot we all should pitch in a story or two and do our own pots wrold book!!

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Carmen that was very funny!

You guys have some great ideas and after reading some of the stuff that Dawgtired puts down and others here, well how could we not be successful.


OK guys I just actually went to their website and you can submit stories & possible book ideas. Lets make this enticing for them :rolleyes:


AND, sorry tried to edit but it didn't go through but

If you go to Submit a Book Title, there is a 10 page download on what & how to submit a book idea.

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One more thing. We should consider making this book so it covers POTS, Dysautonomia, OI, PAF, etc. We can also establish that it's a chronic illness and maybe the fact that it does overlap Chronic fatigue by at least 1/3.

Hey guys these are just thoughts of mine and don't feel obligated. I will have NO hurt feelings if you don't use any of my ideas. Let's just get them interested in a book and we can all submit our own stories.

If we could get this off the ground, we could bring awareness to all of those people still symptomatically suffering out there without a diagnosis AND also help those that do have a diagnosis and aren't aware of the support forums that are available.

Hope this all made sense, I'm still kind of asleep yet this morning.


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I downloaded and looked over the book proposal packet. I don't think I am exactly qualified... They want a list of previously published material... All I have is 1 self-published book. Then they want a person who can do the marketing - in my younger days I did a ton of sales and marketing, but nowdays this is impossible.

However, I will be submitting some of my short stories to them. And we always have the option of compiling our own book and self-publishing like I did with my book. We could do our own version -

Chicken Broth (with extra saltines please!) for the POTSY Body...

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I hadn't read it all the way through so I didn't realize it would be so difficult to submit a book idea. However, I'm glad that you're submiting stories. I hope they get published and will be watching for them.

I think it's a good idea to discuss a book and I love your title. That would be an incredible fund raiser possibility.



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Just the idea of the general public reading about POTS and other dysautonomia is fabulous. There are so many doctors who are clueless about the illness!!! I think a book with personal stories has great potential to drive attention towards the topic, even if we can't get the chicken soup series to do it.

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I am sending a copy of my book to some of the "bad" doctors I have had over the years. They probably don't remember me, but if just one doctor reads it and the light goes on where he/she can help just one patient - or at least treat them more kindly - I feel like I have accomplished something.

For that reason alone I would put myself - as much as I can - behind this project. If we can do something that is educational, inspiring, and entertaining enough to make people want to read it then maybe we can start getting some attention.

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