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Does anyone here exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike? If so how do you feel afterwards? 

I always feel awful now. Very weak, lightheaded, extreme fatigue and almost sick like. I try to push myself but it’s getting worse. I used to do 30 mins on a treadmill and feel fine. Now my legs feel like jello the moment I’m done and I almost want to faint sometimes. I’ve tried to hydrate, not hydrate, wear compression socks, not wear compression socks, it almost doesn’t matter anymore. I feel awful after exercise for like 30-45 mins and then I come back to baseline. Anyone experience similar?

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I exercise daily. my care team did figure out that some meds were giving me issues. i have gone from only walking a few hundred feet to now going 3 miles. I do find that there is a few stressors that affect working out. one step at a time.

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@MikeO I’m not on any meds at the moment. Last year I was fine. In one year it’s become so much worse. No explanation from any doctor as to why this is happening. In December it will be 5 years I’ve been searching. I’ll just keep at it until I get answers!

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If I'm out of shape, I'm only allowed to use the recumbent exercise bike or NuStep trainer.  and yes, I feel like crap afterwards, usually will pass out within the hour afterwards.  One of the glitches with my body is that my pulse will go from 120 bpm down to 60bpm (or less) in just 1-2 beats and stay there. 

 If I stick with it 3x a week for 2-3 weeks, the transition between exercising and stopping becomes smoother.  I start to feel better and "graduate" to a regular exercise bike, then eventually treadmill and elliptical.  

The key is keeping up consistency, which is a bear when exercise makes you feel so bad afterwards.  Somedays a day or so afterwards for me. 

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