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Seasonal GI Flare?

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Hey everyone!

Without fail every March/April and September/October I end up in a significant Pots flare, which has me wondering if you can have a seasonal/histamine related flare without any typical hayfever symtpoms? I never get any itchy eyes, sneezing, hives, rash, flushing, itching etc at all. But my dizziness, brain fog, shortness of breath and gut symptoms flare immensely. 
Does this happen to anybody else? Some of my specialists are encouraging me to try a H2 blocker (can’t tolerate the H1s) to see if it might help. Wondering if anybody else experiences this? Could one potentially have a seasonal flare that mainly triggers the gut histamine receptors?

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2 hours ago, Salt Sunflower said:

Without fail every March/April and September/October I end up in a significant Pots flare

Hi Salt Sunflower,

So just like you describe i get seasonal flares in these time frames. the itchy eyes and a super runny nose with some sneezing almost always happens but i would also get GI flare ups.

This spring i did get into a gasto and they found i have some notable inflammation in my GI tract and are treating it with pantoprazole which i believe acts just like a OTC H2 blocker but is just stronger? IDK both meds blocks the production of stomach acid.

Well anyways so far i have not had my spring flare up since starting treatment. Have you seen a Gastro for your GI?  

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5 hours ago, Salt Sunflower said:

Could one potentially have a seasonal flare that mainly triggers the gut histamine receptors?

Heya Salt Sunflower,

I'd think this would make a lot of sense since it would just be introducing environmental 'seasonal histamines' vs all the other histamines we regularly encounter in our diets (histamines are a tough one to avoid). 

I was just reading earlier how for women, monthly cycles and endometriosis can play into the GI system.. it's crazy how much everything can affect the gut (and vice versa), but at the end of the day it's all hormones.. if stuff's not in balance and some of us are more prone to mast cell activation, we'll be flaring up whenever we're dealing with histamines.

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@Salt Sunflower I also get the seasonal flares in spring and fall, but mine I believe are caused by allergens. I live in a rural state and we are surrounded by mountains and fields, so allergens in those seasons are plentiful. Thankfully my allergy symptoms are minimal but apparently enough to cause worsening POTS.

I also get flares when I am stung by insects, such as mosquitoes, so definitely histamine related. However, I know that changes in weather and barometric pressure contribute to my flares, and that is currently the case in my area as we have been experiencing rapidly changing weather, from 70s to 30s with frequent thunderstorms.

@MikeO Pantoprazole is a PPI and not at all the same as a H2 blocker. 

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