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Weird Brain Episodes


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Hey everyone I wanted to see if anyone else gets these same types of experiences. Every once in a while it’s like something will happen to my brain that feels like it’s been whiplashed or something and then it will take days to recover. Fox example, I was crouching down looking into a cabinet and it’s like something happened to the left side of my brain suddenly; my vision felt off the rest of the day, mentally felt out of it/ detached, I’ll feel a numbness under the skin in that area and what feel like along arteries, sleeping laying on that side of my head will feel uneasy, I feel more anxious and out of it, and it slowly seems to ‘heal’ over the course of days.

This type of thing can happen randomly but typically occurs if I do a certain type of position change — like if I were to stand up from sitting and then immediately bend down that completely messes with my brain and causes this. So I’ve been able to stop much of this but every once in a while it just seems to happen. It’s like that area of my brain has been whiplashed and has to recover from the even. I never know what’s actually happening though; momentary hypoxia? Some sort of stroke like event? A higher level of hypotension or my blood vessels spamming?

anyone else experience similar? Thanks.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I had an intense electric shock feeling in my head during the relapse I had last year. It was after a lot of upright activity while unmedicated a couple weeks after my initial Covid infection. I was washing dishes and head felt like an electric current went through it, then head felt cold, and kind of numb. Had to lie on the  floor. Then the next week had terrible anxiety and developed a bunch of new infection symptoms. Not sure if it was infection leading to brain stuff or brain stuff breaking then my immune system going nuts. 

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I signed up to respond here.  I get this too.  It's horrendous.  I call it the "kick to the head" and it feels like a mini stroke or something.  Can happen at any time, can take several hours, days weeks, or at its worse, a full year to recover.  Sometimes happens in my sleep.

I'm getting a carotid artery ultrasound soon, and while I don't want them to find anything, it would almost be better to know WHAT is causing this.  It's plagued me for several years.

I also have other POTS-type symptoms.  A friend of mine has POTS very badly and said I sound like a classic dysautonomia case so I'm looking into it.

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