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I don't always know what POTS can do. So I wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. The other day I noticed a rash on my arms, but didn't think much of it. So later that night I noticed it spreading down my arms, and my legs. It itched, and burned. I was hot to the touch. I had a fever and my legs felt similar to when my nerve damage on my hands act up. (Whenever I touch anything cold, it feels like there is sandpaper rubbing up against my hands) It was hard to walk bc my skin burned so much. It lasted about a day and a half, but I applied a steroid cream to it partway through the day. (Also a took benedryl a few times and it did nothing) The rash has mostly resolved itself and I woke up this morning feeling mostly fine. Has anyone else experienced something like this or is it one of my other conditions, or perhaps an allergic reaction?

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@OSucrose - it definitely sounds like it could be an allergic reaction, however a fever does not typically accompany those. The fact that you had a fever is closer to a viral infection. I would get it checked out as soon as possible. Do you have MCAS?

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@Pistol I have not been diagnosed with MCAS. 

I felt fine yesterday but my rash is back today and so is my fever. Luckily my skin sensitivity hasn't presented itself yet. My rash sort of looks like my hair follicles are like inflamed or something? I don't know how to describe it. It's definitely a flat rash,  not raised. 

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