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Tingling in Neck & Arm


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Does anyone else ever experience a tingling sensation in their limbs? For the past few days, I've noticed on the left side of my neck, down through the top of my left arm, on and off I'll get a very slight tingling sensation. It feels almost like a light tickling coming from the inside. . . very weird!! I remember when I first got sick with POTS I had a similar weak feeling in my arms and legs, but it was much worse- and went away once I started taking meds. I'm not sure why it would just happen again all the sudden- any ideas? Does anyone else have this problem, and what can I do about it? It's a little irritating. . . but I'm assuming it's related to POTS and circulation somehow.

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I used to have a similar feeling, but it was only in my left leg. I have not experienced that feeling in a while, since I have been on meds. I think it is definutely related though. I sometimes get a tingling sensation in my thumb and index finger, but only in my left hand. It's weird, but I think it is just another annoying symptom. I was feeling better this past week, but started feeling very bad again last night. I am very light-headed, tired, and my face feels very hot. I also get low grade fevers, do you ever have that? Just curious ;) Anyways, hang in there, and I hope you feel better soon. -Stacey

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Tingling could be a symptom of POTS, but remember that you may have other issues going on as well. I had tingling in my arms for years which I just chalked up to my wierd POTS/NMH issues--but it turned out my spinal cord was seriously compressed and I needed surgery to have it repaired. Now my hands and arms feel perfectly normal. So, I guess my message to you is this: Just because you have an autonomic disorder doesn't mean you aren't susceptible to all the other ailments that happen--in my case, it was a ruptured disc, and followed by my body naturally fusing the joint in a bad position.

If the tingling continues, you should be sure to let your primary doc know...and perhaps be seen by a neurologist just to rule out the typical culprits.

nina ;)

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Hey Jessica! I have experienced tingling a few times in the past..and still once in a while. It might be related to pots..but i'm not quite sure. I had it before I was diagnosed. Are you on proamatine? I am and I asked my Pots doctor about it. He said Proamatine can also cause it...even though I got the tingling 2 years before I was on proamatine!

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  • 15 years later...

I know this symptoms well. Often I have this tingling not only in my arms or neck, but all over my face and in my tounge too,... in combination with other symptoms like impaired vision,... In my case this is a part of symptoms of the central nervous system like by migraine. I get it, when my POTS symptoms are going to be more worse, maybe when I am dehydrated... When they stay continously so I know I have to go to my doctor and get an infusion. Afterwards all symptoms are over. So I know it comes from POTS.

So in the beginning I lay down, take longer rest, drink much, take more salt, etc.... But all of this can only help for time. So I learned to accept it as a sign of my body which helpes my to recognize my limits better.

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