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Crazy IV mobility question

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When I use IV fluids, I’m hooked for many hours. I have 3 levels in my house, uneven ground outside, and a lot of trouble managing trying to keep the pole rolling all over the place through my entire waking time. I can’t get a pump from my infusion company because I don’t use the fluids consistently enough. I don’t really blame them - the pump is quite expensive. So, I have to have the bag above my arm and upright.


I have not found a reasonably priced and decent looking solution online. There was a kid who designed a backpack - looks like I could possibly make my own. It would have a half pole sticking up from it and somehow it would be stabilized. If I could leave the house, go for walks, etc., I would absolutely use the fluids more often. I can’t hold my arm up for very long, or I’d just hold the bag up with my other hand. How it is now, I only use fluids if I can stay indoors and home for my entire day and evening - that isn’t that often. I would love to hear any creative solutions!


I'm also trying to play with running the fluids overnight, but it wouldn’t be enough hours - my ideal run is 2L over 17 hours or so. We start when I wake and remove it when I go to bed. When I’ve tried it overnight before, I’ve had a lot of soreness that kept me awake, and I was afraid to move too much and dislodge the catheter. 

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Hello @RecipeForDisaster - I run my fluids over 8 hours 3 x week, and I so relate to your troubles!!! I do not tolerate them while lying down ( I retain most of them and my BP goes high ), so I run mine during the day. I also use a wheeled IV pole that can get quite difficult to maneuver. So I have installed hooks all over the house - in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the porch etc ... instead of hauling the heavy pole around I simply hold the bag up and move from room to room and hang the bag on the hooks. It helps a lot with mobility while hooked up. I also own 2 poles ( although one is a travel one and is not very stable ). I have the heavy pole in the room where I spend most of my time ( bedroom ) and the other one in the living room, so I can simply move around with the bag. 

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I can’t hold the bag up for very long at all to even go up or down the stairs - I thought about getting a pole for each level of the house. It rolls really poorly in my house anyway and I carry it most everywhere. I do hang it in the bathroom when I’m in there, but I would really like to go out on little car trips (it doesn’t work - the bag can’t be hung high enough) and even walk. 

We are looking at using a pressure infuser bag to mimic gravity inside a backpack. I hope it will work!

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