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Just need to Vent

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I went Monday and had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. I've been having alot of abdominal cramping and pain, bloody stools, and diarrhea in addition to my usual nausea and vomiting. They found that I have gastritis (some sort of irritation of the lining of the tissues of the stomach). I've missed the past several weeks of work due to the nausea and just feeling ill. I tried several times to go back to work and was unsuccessful. I tried again today and am so nauseated that i've just laid on my bed for hours and not moved waiting for it to pass. My usual anti-nausea med (Compazine) doesn't seem to be working. I also had the whole sweaty palms, shaky I'm gonna pass out feeling this morning. The past few times i've had that feeling i've had to miss weeks upon weeks of work while they tinker with my meds.I've noticed that no matter what problem i'm having ( a cold, the flu, the passing out feeling) I always "regress" back to the severe morning sickness that characterizes my case of POTS. I'll be fine in the mornings for awhile, but then I get sick and am REALLY sick in the mornings. The worst part is that I feel awful for continuing to miss work, they keep calling me at home trying to figure out how to do things. I was supposed to go back to work today and discuss working later hours with my boss, that's the only thing I can think of that might help me now. It seems like if it's not one thing it's another. I guess I just needed a little support.....

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I'm really sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. It's not that I can help you very much with that, I just wanted you to know that you're not alone and that I'm thinking of you. I'm not able to work myself (I really HATE that), so I can understand how you feel. When do you get the results of your tests?

I hope you will be feeling better soon, best wishes,


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I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I had similiar symptoms at the onset of all my problems (about five years ago). I had repeated colonoscopy's because even the doctors thought I had colon cancer at twenty-six! Turns out, I had endometriosis on my colon which was causing the GI sxs (major rectal bleeding during menses- it was awfu!). Last summer, I had a total abdominal hysterectomy and my life has been much better. Am I well? No, unfortunately my cardiological and ANS problems have stepped in where the GI sxs left off- but at least I don't have to worry about colon and gynecological cancer every month as I did previously. As far as your morning sxs... if you are losing a lot of blood you are probably having some anemia. This happened with me- plus, the stress of your body doing really weird and unexplainable things triigers physical and emotional stress which literally, can make you sick! I am so sorry about your work situation. I tried to work briefly during my illness but it just was not possible. And now, it is not an option. I know this is not a very supportive response other to say, I understand thoses sxs and what an impact they can have. If you haven't you might want to check out the gynecological side rather than just the GI. GI doctors are going to say it's gastritis if they have no better diagnosis just like a GP would tell you a virus. It's kind of a catch-all phrase for "your guess is as good as mine". Good luck!


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I hope this passes quickly. I go through cycles of varying symptoms--my guts are among them. The only thing that's helped me has been levsin for the spasming. Non of the anti-nausea med seemed to do much for me.


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