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I did another 24 hour heart monitor yesterday, and seem to have had quite a bad reaction to the ECG / electrode stickers. 

I've had those stickers on many times before, and only ever had a mild irritation in the past. Nothing more than a very small amount of redness. But on this occasion, the skin is bright red, blistered, and very painful and itchy. Perhaps they used a different adhesive, or in the past, I've been given hypoallergenic stickers (I think they should be the norm!) 

If anyone has had this happen, what creams helped best? 

I'm using a sorbolene cream as that's all I really have at the moment, but wondering if something else may be better suited. 

Seeing my doctor early next week, so if I still have the rash, I'll get a prescription. Just after something to try and control it until then. 

Thank you! :) 


Hi @Scout - I am allergic to electrodes as well and they usually use pediatric stickers on me. They are smaller and have less glue on them.  In the past, when I broke out, I used hydrocortisone cream for the rash. Sorry you have to experience that! At least it is only 24 hours!

25 minutes ago, Pistol said:

Hi @Scout - I am allergic to electrodes as well and they usually use pediatric stickers on me. They are smaller and have less glue on them.  In the past, when I broke out, I used hydrocortisone cream for the rash. Sorry you have to experience that! At least it is only 24 hours!

I'm sorry you also are allergic! 

The implanted loop recorder is looking more and more appealing, I must say. 

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