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POTS/pseudo syncope It is legit...anyone relate?

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I have had POTS more than 20 years. I will be 48 this week (yikes).   I have have passed out too many times to count with seizure like activity.  EEG always negative.   I was told because they didn't see anything during  tilt table on EEG (in 2008) that it is not a "true" fainting spell.  I certainly can't fake this stuff nor do I want to.  Been in ICU for weeks at a time for not being able to sit up with out passing out and apnea spells.  I guess I just need validation that I am not crazy. 

Feedback welcomed


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Hello @Mom of 4 - I am so sorry that you are being told this. I have hyperadrenergic POTS, NCS and autonomic seizures. I used to faint all the time, fall out of chairs etc. At some time the syncope turned into what appears grand mal seizures ( all muscles stiffen, my back arches and sometimes I block my own airway during this ).  These seizures where often witnessed by doctors, even happened at my autonomic specialist. I had them when under anesthesia during surgeries, during MRI's … you get the point. Still, I saw 5 cardiologists and some of them insisted that this all due to anxiety. Once I was diagnosed by my specialist he told me about the difference between convulsive syncope and autonomic seizures. I then stayed 4 days in an Epilepsy Monitoring Unit ( EMU ) at a University Hospital. They monitored EEG and Telemetry as well as me boing on camera 24/7. On the third day I passed out - When I fainted the EEG flatlined (  meaning no blood flow to the brain ) and the telemetry showed tachycardia ( the heart attempting to  get blood to the brain ). That is how they diagnosed the seizures as definitely non-epileptic. However - no way I could have faked that!!! I recently saw the neurologist that was treating me at that time and she is still telling people about that!!!! 

When they did your TTT - did you faint? If your spells are still this bad you really should be re-evaluated, 2008 was 10 years ago! What doctors have you seen for this - neurologists, cardiologists, autonomic specialists? How often do you pass out/ take seizures? I am much better although partly due to me having to stop working and being housebound. Despite being in very capable hands with my doctors and specialists ( now! ) I was medication-refractory and am being treated with weekly IV fluids, which in my case have stopped the seizures all together and I barely faint anymore. This is due to the added volume keeping a steady pressure in my blood vessels, which in turn does not trigger the ANS to dump norepinephrine and constrict the vessels. That is the assumed mechanism behind my symptoms.  


This is some information about these seizures - I hope it is helpful. Please see a specialist that is familiar with these episodes and with dysautonomia in general. PM me if you have any questions. Best of luck!!!!!!

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The first TTT I really don't remember it but feel like maybe it was a mild case of my knee buckling and the EEG stayed the same.  Since then I have had Brain surgery and there is alot of artifact and did not have at tilt table during the spells.  I get really bad looking seizure like activity after surgeries due to the anesthesia and I don't breathe.  Sometimes I can hear people and not move.  I slowly come to.  

MY last TTT was 2016 just to diagnose POTS and I did not pass out an no EEG.  I go to the Vanderbilt Autonomic clinic.  They are good but once they see something everything else is off the plate.   I work and lead a normal life until I have an episode and then it takes me out of life for about 3 weeks or more.  I am in a flare up now and was in hospital for 3 days getting fluids bc every time I stood up I would pass out.  I have to go to a different hospital due to my insurance so it is frustrating bc those doctors see it and say yea probably from lack of blood flow to the head or oxygen.   I take a Beta Blocker  and the refuse to treat with IV fluids.  I only see my family doctor and the Vanderbilt Autononomic Clinic

This only happens maybe once a year if not longer unless I have some sort of anesthesia.  I live a normal life otherwise and am going to turn 48 this week. 


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