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Meals Triggering Tachycardia.


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Each time I eat something simple, like a PB&J sandwich, my heart rate goes haywire. 

89/58 pulse 56 -Morning - Sitting

103/60 pulse 79 -Morning - Standng

101/68 pulse 93 -Sitting- after eating

105/77 pulse 139 -Standing for 11mins - after eating. (Got free active minutes on my Fitbit by doing nothing.)

I still find it funny that I don’t have POTS, but something like this can happen.

HR goes back to normal once digested. 

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I wonder if it's something to do with the vagus nerve as that controls the stomach and part of the intestines. Something in the feedback gets screwed up or maybe something like MCAS? DK. I find that sometimes my diplopia improves after eating. Weird. Anyway, I hope someone chimes in with a cogent answer. 

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I have this happen a lot, especially with big meals. Sometimes my heart rate feels like it sky rockets the second food hits my stomach. It's very odd, but I also suspect it is blood pooling to the stomach. Doctors have also said similar things.

It does help to have smaller meals throughout the day, but I find that difficult sometimes. I'm the kind of person who likes a nice big plate of food! 

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