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home infusions for POTS


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Hi - I am scheduled for a port insertion next week so I can get my saline infusions at home. Usually I do not tolerate boluses ( BP goes up ) but if I get LR at a rate of 125 - 150 ml/hr I improve rapidly. We have tried weekly infusions but I still get flares and need to go to ER or hospital for additional fluids. To all of you who are on scheduled infusions for POTS - what is your schedule? And do you get them regularly scheduled or as needed? -- Thank you in advance for answers😊

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I'm written for 1500mL 3 times per week or as needed. Sometimes we try to leave the access in and do two days in a row. No one minds if I do it daily or every two weeks, so I decide based on how bad I'm feeling and if I can actually be hooked up for a few hours. If I know I will be having a rough patch, need to be at my best, or have been unstable, I'll do fluids anyway... and I did them on a schedule at first, for a few months. I definitely did better, but between logistics and wanting or save my veins (plus $30 a pop copay) I decided to save it for when I really need it. Just knowing it's there is very nice.


Will you have someone come to access the port, say, weekly? I'm happy for you, having this option at home!

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@RecipeForDisaster - yes, I AM SO EXCITED myself! Thank you for responding. I have been begging my PCP for over 2 years for a port and home infusions but he was so reluctant, trying to protect me from having one ( yes - there are actually caring docs out there - I am so lucky! ). But finally my ER and hospital visits just got out of hand. plus I had phlebitis 4 times. I am just as tickled as could be because I will now be able to get fluids whenever I START feeling bad, instead of having to wait to actually start passing out or taking seizures! And yes - there will be a nurse coming to access the port for the fluids and the next day someone else will come and take it out. --- I am just really happy about this, I will gain some independence back and can be in charge at least a little bit. So many people do not understand that we loose the ability to do what we WANT or NEED to do to live out lives. If I see someone just standing ( like a check-out person ) I always think: I wonder if they even appreciate the ability to do that! --- I envision myself being able to get over a simple cold or maybe taking a trip to the mall with my daughter ( in a wheel chair ) without having to go to hospital for seizures and having to crawl instead of walking! Because now I can get fluids either to avoid a flare or to fix one! --- Do you not have a port? My surgeon that is putting it in said that anytime you need frequent IV's you are eligible for a port. I wish you could get them more often, being that you did good on weekly infusions. ---- 


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I was originally started with 1 liter x 3 a week. Right now I'm running 1 liter a day, partly because I'm not getting enough in through my feeding tube. Nurse comes out to access me once a week and my family changes out the bags for me. Goal is to get back to 3 x a week as soon as possible so I'm not accessed 24/7 which puts me at greater risk of infection. 

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I can't have a port or a PICC but for most people, those are the best answers. If things got really bad, maybe a port someday, but the risk outweighs the benefit right now.


The port can stay accessed for days if that's better, just so you know.


Literally knowing I can get almost instant BP elevation that always works and gets me out of trouble is major peace of mind. I fought hard for it! I used to resign myself to 5 day stretches of not eating, barely being able to get off the floor, crumpling, passing out... thank goodness I never have it let it get that bad now. I do have to wait for my husband (RN) to get home from work sometimes but I find I can usually make it. If I'm getting bad I usually do fluids early.

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@bombsh3ll - thank you so much! I will let everybody know if I am improving. Right now I can feel when I start getting bad but I have to wait until I actually show symptoms before I can get fluids. With the port this will all change - I will be able to be pro-active!! I give you an example: when I get bad I start with the usual: dizziness, PVC's, fatigue AND feeling hyper, cold extremities etc. If I let it go I will go all the way to having to crawl, taking seizures or passing out, high BP. fast HR … As soon as I get fluids ALL OF THAT goes away. The ER of course does not feel any emergency from any  of that because it is not a new symptom. But NOW - with the port and home infusions - I can get fluids as soon as I know that I need them, I can cut the malfunction off right at the start! --- I am sorry that the UK does not approve of IV fluid therapy for refractory POTS. Many docs here do not either - they feel that if you can drink you do not need fluids. But what they do not get is that in POTS it is not necessarily hypovolemia - in my case the fluids re-establish a pressure within the vascular system that my body is unable to create on it's own. It is more of a vascular pressure thing rather than a hydration issue. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

So - I got my port 2 weeks ago and am good to go. Home Health is arranged, my supplies and fluids are coming in the mail today and then next week I will get a bag over 5 hours once a week and more if I am in a flare. I am so happy and excited. I was in the hospital over night for fluids again last week and I am so relieved that I may never have to go back now! I already feel so much less anxiety because I will be able to get fluids as soon as I need them - what a reiief!!!!! I have been needing 24 hour fluids every 6 to 8 weeks for the past several years. I am curious if I will have to go to the hospital at all now. I will update on that in 3 months time!!!!! 

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