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Nutritional Deficiencies making things worse?

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I went to the doctor last week and had some basic bloodwork.  My ferritin (iron) was really low, Vitamin D was low (19) and B-12 was right on the borderline.  I started some supplements, the doctor especially recommended iron since I'm 36 weeks pregnant.  My symptoms have been so much worse the past few weeks... do you think this could be a partial cause?  I'm really hoping if my iron goes up I will feel a bit better... my husband said he read that the shaking could be related to low iron.  

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Low iron can definitely play a number on your body.  I've had anemia off and on for years due to sporadically heavy periods and that I am a vegetarian.  It is probably impossible to get enough iron when pregnant without an iron supplement (so I have been told).  I took a pre natal vitamin during pregnancy--low iron did not seem to be factor for me with symptoms during pregnancy.

It's also hard to get enough protein during pregnancy especially in the 3rd trimester.

Low B-12 seems odd b/c it's abundant in animal products and you don't need a lot.  Could that be an absorption issue?  Sometimes vegans have low B-12, from what I understand.

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I have both Vit D and B12 deficiencies since childhood,  it is apparently due to malabsorption.  Take B12 shots monthly and D3 supplements. In the winter D dropped due to lack of exposure to sun so I need to boost extra during those months. Both of those vitamins cause - when deficient - fatigue, depression, weakness and in my case also imbalance of POTS related symptoms. I can definitely tell when I need to boost extra on the Vit D and improve rapidly with weekly doses of 50,000 units for a month, then 2000 daily. Iron also gets you weak - it is important to supplement with iron during pregnancy. Vit D3 is available in drops or tablets but B12 should be given IM since often people don't absorb enough of it in their GI tract. It looks like you might feel much better if you take these supplements. Ask your doc if you should take a loading dose of D since low supplementation usually does not bring the level up. Best of Luck!!!

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Interesting... I am also vegetarian and had very low vitamin d (11), b12, (120), and ferritin (6). I do think the extremely low b12 might have caused my potential autonomic neuropathy (I had horrible symptoms at first, paresthesias, etc.) but what does that change for me now? After heavy sublingual b12 replacement my levels are fine now. I did shots for awhile but the form I need (methyl, not cyano) is not available that way and sublingual works fine. Ferritin is still an issue... i got to 53 in 2016 after taking 325mg 3 times daily for a long time, but I'm stuck at 40 for the past 6 months and can't get it higher. My iron saturation is almost 100% so I might have to get iron IVs which are not supposed to be fun.

i have not, honestly, seen much change after increasing my iron and vitamin D levels...  maybe they aren't high enough yet. I am disappointed because I keep thinking I have found something that can be fixed and get me feeling better.

I was suspected of malabsorption as a reason for these deficiencies but I don't think I have it. Pernicious anemia runs in our family (no intrinsic factor means I can't absorb b12 from food) , and I wasn't supplementing any of these. My diet is really good although I don't always feel like eating enough. I eat vegetables, whole grains, and clean protein most of the time. I wear sunscreen which would explain the low vitamin D.

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I get low iron and vitamin D. I am vegan so take sublingual vitamin B12 supplements. I have noted that many people seem to be low in these vitamins and minerals, especially those with health problems, including neurological ones. Plenty of friends diagnosed with MS, Fibro and ME/CFS have had low D, B12 and iron. Many people are deficient in magnesium, but most don't get any tests for that. It could be related to poor absorption or even Mast Cell/Histamine as that would interfere possibly. 

As regards D, many people who are sick don't go outside as much so maybe we need a healthy top-up with the sun? 

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I've been reading a lot about low ferritin and apparently it's implicated in a lot of problems!  I wish I had gotten it checked sooner.  It can even ben linked to palpitations and shortness of breath.  Obviously not the full cause of my problems, but not helping the POTS either!

I've also read a lot about Vitamin D.  Low levels are linked to depression, immune system problems, muscle pain... lots of things!  I'm definitely going to try to get these levels up.  It can only help at this point.  

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