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Could this be POTS?

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Been dealing with practically every single symptom of POTS for 4yrs now. The only thing I haven't done is pass out. The 1st year was pure heck, getting up was a nightmare. Stand up, heart starts racing, get lightheaded, dizzy, migraine, shaking, can't see, can't breathe, can't move (body feels weighted), no strength. Then down I go to my knees until I'm laying there on the floor and I can barely move, hot and cold drenching sweats and I can barely speak. So thirsty but I can't tell anyone, then I fall asleep or maybe I actually pass out, I don't know. I thought I was dying. I think a BIG part of why the first year was so bad was because I wasn't eating well and not drinking enough water. Once I changed that I started feeling a little better but I'm far from what I used to be. I still have some pretty bad days when it's hard to get out bed but I'm thankful for the days that I can.

I had a doctors appt Thursday, my insurance gives me a nurse/driver incase I'm not doing so good (I reschedule a lot, cause of symptoms) and she helps me to make it to more appts. Anyway she urged me to get a BP/HR app to show the GP because she could see my body move when my heart was racing. She took my pulse and told me I need to see a Cardiologist right away because I could have Sinus tachycardia. Needless to say my BP was 146/95 and HR was 106 according to the app. So I Googled and it said stage 2 Hypertension but that I should take my resting BP into consideration, so I laid down for 20min and this is what I got. BP 112/74 HR 61 and I thought well that normal, how strange...till I stood up. I didn't get but a few feet when I started feeling really bad, grabbed my phone checked and BP was 148/97 HR 99. So this is when I googled "heart rate goes high when I stand" and found out about POTS. I've run this twice more since and here's what I got:

1/18 (AM insomnia)

4:10 103/67:69 (resting)

4:12 122/81:101

4:13 102/67: 55

4:14 105/69: 56

4:15 122/81: 98

4:17 163/105: 105

4:20 113/74: 103

4:22 114/75: 65

4:23 115/76: 61

1/19 (just HR this time)

2:23 76 (resting)

2:28 58

2:28 68 

2:31 109

2:33 99

Does anyone here diagnosed with POTS experience a pattern like this?  Also I took a slow 4 block walk to meet a friend last night (I usually don't walk much because it winds me) and when I got to my destination my BP was 143/94 HR 127, it eventually settled down to BP 109/71 HR 62. We were just sitting around having a few beers and not doing a whole lot. 

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I see my GP on Monday and I'd like to go with some information to give her so she'll send me to a Cardiologist, Neurologist, anyone that will help me with this. Thanks for reading!!!

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Do you have any kind of diagnosis for why you aren't feeling well and can't get out of bed?  How did you get the insurance to give you a nurse/driver?   I think it is worth seeing a POTS specialist (particularly someone listed on this website) if you haven't already.

Also if you have POTS, many people find that alcohol makes them worse.  That might be something to avoid until you figure things out.

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I had the exact same symptoms and was diagnosed with hyperadrenergic POTS . I had to go through 5 cardiologists until someone finally told me that I have POTS. But I had to be seen by a specialist for POTS that checked my adrenalin levels (which were extremely high upon standing) before I was finally diagnosed. Since then I have had many trials of meds but am a lot better controlled as long as I am living within my limited abilities. When you see the Dr Monday make sure you mention " hyperadrenergic POTS". It has a different mechanism than the more common form of POTS as it increases the BP as well as the HR upon standing and is caused by abnormal adrenalin-surges ( do you get shaky, cold, clammy, weak ... ?) I also pass out a lot, maybe your "sleeping" is actually syncope (passing out)?

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You should definitely get assessed by a specialist who is familiar with dysautonomia. 

Fyi, my own specialist who has monitored me for five years does find the digital readings from my wrist blood pressure cuff (which I bring with me to appointments in my purse) helpful. It helps give him objective data which has more than once caused him to order certain helpful medical tests. 

Just fyi, none of us here can diagnose you but I can certainly verify that my own heart rate goes both very fast and very slow sometimes, as you’ve indicated yours does. My doctor in particular said it helped him to see the blood pressure cuff readings for those varying times because he wanted to see what both the high and low bp readings were when the heart’s going fast or going slow. He then ordered tests which assisted him in making a diagnosis for me. 

There are different types of dysautonomia specialists. Mine is an electrophysioligy cardiologist. They do extra trainiing in cardiology to understand how the nervous system signals can affect the circulatory system. 

Edited by Missy M
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Thank you everyone for the reply. I saw my new GP again today. I went in with several "Poor Man's Tilt Test result on my heart rate app. She had previously ordered blood work which ALL came back good. She did mention a slight murmur. She said I'm an otherwise healthy individual till I stand up...LOL! She Dx'd me with POTS and possible Fibro and she's sending to a Cardiologist.  I think the one that got her attention was 10min lay down (58), stand 1min (122), 2min (117), 5min (119), 10min (119). She did a quick test in the office making me lay down BP 106, 2min 91. She told me to go home relax, drink lots of water and salt. She also mentioned Beta Blockers. 

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22 hours ago, yogini said:

Do you have any kind of diagnosis for why you aren't feeling well and can't get out of bed?  How did you get the insurance to give you a nurse/driver?   I think it is worth seeing a POTS specialist (particularly someone listed on this website) if you haven't already.

Also if you have POTS, many people find that alcohol makes them worse.  That might be something to avoid until you figure things out.

I kept getting told it was Anxiety until today...thank god. The insurance just ordered me one because I kept rescheduling appointments. When they called and asked me why I said because sometimes I feel so bad I want to fall over and standing at a bus stop for possibly 30 minutes wasn't gonna happen. I have to keep moving or sit down or I get extremely dizzy.  Surprisingly I feel better when I have Alcohol it seems to slow everything down and stops my constant vibrating and shaking.

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