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Vaso Vagal


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Hi my name is Edwina, just joined yesterday and so happy to be here! I was released from the hospital about two weeks ago after fainting a number of times, they told me I had vasovagal and after explaining what it was, I was at first in shock and after it hit me I had this inner feeling that my life would never be the same.  Still learning and it is such a welcome release to connect with others here who are also experiencing this condition. I was also told months prior to this news about the vasovagal, that I had a inner ear condition unilateral weakness on the right side which was causing a lot of dizziness, now with this added I am double dizzy and can't stop my world from spinning... not sure it's safe to continue the same exercise I was doing with the inner ear (brandt  daroff) with vasovagal and would welcome any suggestions, thanks! 

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I was diagnosed with NCS and Pots, and fainted a lot at the beginning. Once I started taking Florinef and increasing fluids and salt, it got better. I tried to lower my  florinef dose several months ago and passed out again, so I know it's definitely helping. Hopefully you'll find something that works. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

HI Sparkle 73,  are you looking for ways to keep exercising? If your doctor has cleared it, you could try recumbent bike or lying down exercises (basically anything you can do on the floor, face up or face down. Don't give up! Exercise has a major long-term benefit for dysautonomia...it really helps the nervous system regulate itself.

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