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salt/electrolyte intake packets (found a really good one)


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Not sure if these have been shared here or not, but I found a fantastic sodium/electrolyte supplement packet.  Last month I was out at a music festival in Vegas, 3 days long, 10 hours per night, outdoors and the temperature was over 100 degrees almost 100% of the time (peaked at 117 degrees).  Walking, dancing... basically everything that we're not supposed not be doing.  Had zero issues (other than the usual feeling bad).  So, a friend turned me on to Trioral rehydration salts which are used for hangovers, food poisoning, heat exhaustion etc. and the things were fantastic.  These are so much better than having to worry about making your own homemade concoctions and they come in packets so all you need to come up with is some water.  Thought I would share, they worked so good out there as soon as I got home I just ordered a box of 100 

Trifecta pharmaceuticals

Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (100, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Food Poisoning, Hangovers, Diarrhea, Electrolyte Replacement

That's not my store, and I'm not associated with them in any way.  You can read the label to see the ingredients,  It doesn't taste spectacular like gatorade or the others, but it definitely works well,  Hope this helps someone.


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Thank you for posting this.  I have always made my own because the commercial stuff I have seen either contains corn syrup or preservatives.  So nice that this is so pure!  I have many allergies and my choices are so limited.  Good find!

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On 7/16/2017 at 9:16 PM, songcanary said:

Thank you for posting this.  I have always made my own because the commercial stuff I have seen either contains corn syrup or preservatives.  So nice that this is so pure!  I have many allergies and my choices are so limited.  Good find!

Welcome, and hope it helps.  I agree with you on all the unnecessary additives - that's why I was so happy to find this myself.

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  • 2 months later...

I tried this recently but didn't love the taste. I prefer grape or orange NormaLyte which also follows the WHO formula. 

I prepare a half liter of NormaLyte before bed every night and drink it first thing in the morning. And then I drink a couple more as needed throughout the day, plus maybe a Nuun or two, plus my homemade electrolyte mix. And I still am always thirsty!

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