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POTS and Severe Constipation?

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Hey guys, 

I know this is a weird post.  I was recently Diagnosed with POTS and saw a doctor for the POTS and EDS-3 that I have.  He and I went over everything, and we started a plan.  I've had severe constipation since I was diagnosed with POTS and issues with migraines (December timeframe). He recommended Miralax, and stool softeners, and wants to run motility tests.  But ever since I started the Miralax, I've been having severe stomach pain and I noticed today that my stomach is getting distended.  (Little TMI, but it's been four days on the Miralax, and I've only gone once, and it wasn't that big. 

Does anyone else here have issues with constipation and their GI tract? I'm really starting to feel particularly bad one these meds.  I also have Adrenal Gland insufficiency, if that helps. 


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At the grocery store around the yogurt (usually not always) is kefir. There are different brands and flavors. I would find the highest probiotic count and drink a small glass every day. My son and I both have bathroom problems. We will go from constipation to diarrhea even in the same day. The kefir helps our digestive issues to even out. I was on a stool softner after I had my tubal a few years back and I found it awful. It gave me horrible cramps and actually made my stool harder. The kefir helps coat my stomach and it tastes good as long as you don't get the plain. It kind of tastes like liquid greek yogurt. When my son was younger he had just constipation problems so I used to get him activia. It is just a yogurt, but that would help him to go. Just eat it and expect to go within an hour. Good luck and I hope you can get it straightened out soon. I know how much it sucks.

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Chronic constipation with unpleasant consequences here - hemorrhoids, prolapse, and rectocele.  Ouch!  I am okay with high fiber diet - 25 grams fiber per day.  Fiber from food works better than fiber from supplements for me. But when my POTS flares up I can't manage to eat fibrous foods.  Then, I use dextrin (Benefiber) in liquids and use psyllium capsules if I can't get enough dextrin.  I think the psyllium works better than dextrin.  The first month that I started easing into high fiber, I took dulcosate every day too.  I take magnesium too, not sure if it helps. 

I switched all my baked goods to 100% whole wheat.  It's not as good, but when it's fresh and warm I don't mind as much.  I use a recipe with orange juice to ease the bitterness of whole wheat.  I started dipping chips in hummus (bean paste), or just have it on bread.  That was yummy.  Unfortunately, the last flare-up I developed food aversion to hummus.  I hate that effect of nausea!  So I've been using just the supplements lately and it's not as comfortable.

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Guest KiminOrlando

Based on what you have said, it does sound like motility is the problem. Once they run the test, if you have gastroparesis they may put you on a medicine that helps. Some doctors won't prescribe it though. 

Probiotics, Miralax, fluids, aloe juice mixed with prune juice - all part of many of our lives. Before I was diagnosed I would start the day wearing one size pants, but not be able to button them by the end of the work day. I never knew what I was going to be able to get up and wear that day - so stressful. And the pain...

None of the above things could manage it for me without the prescription. If I didn't have a doctor willing to write for it, my life would be so much worse. 

Don't put off those tests and the more backed up your system is for them, the better. Don't take extra laxatives. That motility test changed everything for me. I hope it does for you.


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I got a chronic fissure from constipation. It was my first sign that something was wrong. I needed surgery to close the tear. 

I do not do well with miralax, it is too strong even when I use a less than full dose. I currently take a stool softener with my evening meal and a dose of metamucil before I go to bed. I have a lot less bloating.  I have had repeated problems with IBS and/or rapid gastric emptying and after some testing I am now doing pelvic floor PT to help with retention issues.  When I am feeling 'stuck' I use a glycerin stick and that generally works within fifteen minutes, you may have to repeat a few times initially to get yourself back on track. 

Try to drink more water if you can, my colorectal surgeon suggested I cook everything that I was eating raw and then slowly reintroduce raw food to my diet. Cooked fruits and veggies are easier to digest and pass through quicker than raw foods. Learn to love wet food like stew, cereal, and soup. Watermelon is one of my faves as it contains fiber I can digest as well as water.

Extra fiber may or may not be your friend, I had to switch back to 'white' carbs as those pass through me faster. The longer food stays in your intestines the more water is drawn out of it, if food passes quickly through you it passes out of you moister. 



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I too use glycerin suppositories when needed. Ginger and magnesium help me too. I have had motility tests and things were fairly normal but some muscle issues so I am looking into some exercises to help with that. Some days are very uncomfortable with right sided pain when I am having the most trouble. Hope you get some answers and RELIEF!

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I have gastroparesis with constipation being the norm, but can develop a bout of diarrhea without warning. My GI doc feels it is my  dysautonomia causing it. I use benefiber twice a day which works for the constipation. The other issue is incontrolled but only happens rarely yet

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Similar here, also diagnose with gastroparesis and intestinal motility is questionable as well. I find I do not tolerate miralax well, causes more bloating and cramping then almost everything else I've tried, which is a lot lol! From personal experience I've learned to rotate diffrent laxatives because I develop a sort of tolerance to them. Something else to consider is if there are any other medications affecting/causing the constipation. Things that dry you out, like cold medicine or allergy meds, can also dry out the intestines and make constipation worse. Hope you find some relief! 

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I think most of that have some form of POTS etc, some type of stomach motility issues. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis several years ago, but often noticed it beginning when I was a child. I also developed Sjogrens and lupus at very young age. Most of us think that we are constipated and add more fiber in our diet, but you could making things worse if you have gastroparesis. You can find the diet recommendations online for this. I know that veggies, especially raw are the worst, and anything with high fiber I stay away from. I have to do at home colonics a few times a week, the only way I can clean myself out entirely. Its a nightmare to live with. Laxatives and other supplements only make things worse. They give me extreme tummy pain, but I still cant get my intestines to move. Certain Medications can certainly make things worse. I take a tons of digestive enzymes, which seem to help somewhat.

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