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Anaphylaxis - Epi pen ?


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I carry an epi pen although I haven't had to use it. It is epinephrine so I was told it will make me tachycardic if I have to use it. Beta blockers blunt the efficacy of the epi pen so when I was on a bb, I was told if I had to use the epi pen, I had a shorter amount of time to get to the hospital to get additional help because of the blunting effect of the bb. 

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I don't have one but carry benedryl on me at all times. Wish I had one. I had the allergy rast testing as opposed to skin... I've seen a few folks spiral after the skin testing... Found an allergy to egg. So food avoidance and no flu shot. My last flu shot might have been the straw that broke the camels back. It was the year of my initial pots flare. Beta blocker made me worse.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have epi-pens and have had to use them frequently, lots of allergies ( medicines, insects, perfumes, and materials (synthetic stuff).... sometimes the epi-pens give me issues with my pots and ncs, but like the doctor told me I'm alive to fight another day. 

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