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Preparing for the South of France


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Hi guys,

this coming friday my family and I will travel to the south of France for a two weeks vacation. We've rented a small bungalow (no stairs!!!) and a lot of sunshine :) and I really hope we'll have a great time!

I'm so glad we're finally going. Two weeks, without television, phonecalls, doctors, PT (although I'm sure I will miss her!), appointments etc. It's just my family and me and our best friends.

Last year was a bit disappointing, because it was our first vacation with me in the wheelchair and I knew everybody would have to get used to that.

This year, our best friends wanted to join us. I like that, because when I don't feel like doing things, my husband, the boys and our friends can join him. It will be much more fun for them and I won't feel guilty not being able to join them!

I'll be preparing for our vacation this week, packing our stuff. It takes such a long time, because I have to rest so much in between, but my boys will help me. They have to pack their own things. I started them to do that last year and it helped a lot (they're 10 and 14).

So, I'm afraid I won't be around much this week, and I'm SURE I will miss you guys when I'm in France!!! But when I'm lying on the beach (and maybe in the mediterranean see!!!), I'll think about all of you and send a cyber card!!!

Hope you'll all have a nice vacation as well!!!

Corina :lol:

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Thanks so much Ernie. And of course I have extra room in my suitcase!!! I wish I could take you. And guess what: we're going to visit the Salvador Dali museum in Spain!!! It's not too far from where we're staying! I'm looking soooo much forward to that!!!

I'm off to bed now, my alarmclock will wake me at 7 tomorrow morning. Arrrrrrgghhh!!!

Corina :)

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Corina, I am so jealous!! Like Ernie, I would like to reserve a spot in your suitcase. I have been to the south of France and know how lovely it can be. You can be on the beach and not burn up like our heat in the south of the US.

I hope the weather is spectacular and you, your family, and best friends create some wonderful memories.

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corina -

ditto ditto ditto to others' postings. i'm so happy & excited for you but also jealous & wishing i could stow away in a suitcase. i'd offer to carry them for you but probably wouldn't make it more than a few feet so that wouldn't be too helpful! i do know some french though...

it does sound like having the friends along will be the best of all worlds, and it's really encouraging for me to read about your positive & successful adjustment to wheelchair use as i just got fitted for mine last week. vacations are so out of my realm of thought these days so its a good reminder to read that life, aka vacations, can go on.

have a wonderful & relaxing trip...i'll look forward to hearing all about it upon your return!


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WOW that is so ironic, my son is coming home from France tomorrow!!!! He has had a wonderful time, and since we don't vacation much anymore it was a great opportunity!! He went with his International Club from High School. 30 kids, two teachers and two chaperones. The pictures he has emailed are beautiful!!!! Have a wonderful trip and enjoy yourself!!


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oh corina!

i am just so happy for you! you are very, very brave and do such a wonderful job appreciating what is most importanit in life. you are an inspiration to me.

i hope that you will have a wonderful time.

your suitcase is getting very, very full, but i think i would like to squeeze in there too! :)

thank you for sharing your news...it is so heartwarming. pack slowly and carefully so you can save all your energy for your trip. :)

we will miss you!

guess what? our internet has been down so much lately and i miss you all so much when it does that! it is so hard!

later alligator!

love, em

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Guest tearose

Arv wah corina! :)

How to say bon voage?

Oh how WONDERFUL!!! It is beautiful in France right now...and silly girl you mean "sea" not "see"! (mediterranean see) Now please teach me the french!

And Spain too? You are so lucky!

I would ask that you find out about extra luggage because I too want to go with you all!!!

Please try to take a picture of the beach so we can see what we missed :) .

we are sharing in your excitement! tearose

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Thanks you guys, you really are the best. I wish I could put all of you in my suitcase. Imagine my husband's face when he would open it, and all of you screaming: SURPRISE :):):lol:

And Tearose, you're right about the see/sea. Sometimes I don't remember how to spell words (I have that in my own language as well). Well, I'm sure you all knew what I meant, but thanks for letting me know, that's important to me!

Be sure I'll wave back Ariella, from La Mer M?diterran?e, while eating an icecream of course!!!

Sunny wishes to all of you,


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