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Pins and needles and random twitching


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So to add to my lovely Pots diagnosis, once my Pots symptoms started to crash (which led to my diagnosis) I started to get weird skin sensations. Pin pricks, creepie crawlies, random muscle twitching ( and it just twitches once, not like consistently like fasciculations) in my fingers and thighs. I feel it in legs, feet, hands, ears, face, pretty much all over and it's very random and doesn't happen every day. It's not painful because they are just quick pin pricks but its annoying more than anything. I mentioned it to my dr today and he said to wait and see because he thinks it could resolve. I have been under a huge amount of stress since my pots started so I almost think it's related to that since it's not following the typical neuropathy pattern since I feel it in my face and ears too. But what do I know, lol. I do not have a b12 deficiency. I do have low iron and vitamin d. All my other blood work has been fine. Anyone else with similar symptoms and found a cause? I feel so upset because my Pots is pretty much under control and I feel great but now i have these symptoms to worry over :) And i'm a great worrier, lol. 

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I get all of that too.  I also get where a muscle will twitch super fast (I call it rapid fire...not sure what it's really called).  I think the times when they twitch once are worse though, because they'll make my finger, leg, etc. actually jerk.  It drives me nuts. :)

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I should add too...I also losing some sensation in my hands.  I have a hard time telling if water my hands touch is warm or cool, and they are really losing their dexterity.  They are kinda numb a lot of the time.  I'm on a never ending wait list for a dysautonomia clinic in Canada, but am sure I must have nerve damage (the neurologist checked for carpel tunnel, but it wasn't that).  

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have that too.  The pins and needles sensation were very intense when my POTS was triggered, but has been minor over the last few weeks.  I get it in the bottom of both feet, and then it kind of moves around a bit in my arms and hands, but it seems to be more prominent in my left side.  I also occasionally get it in my scalp.

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  • 1 year later...

I have the same symptoms. Was talking to my grandmother, she was saying that it might be that i have magnesium deficiency. Also went to the doctor, they thought it might be my metabolism or some ****. Im gonna try to workout and take magnesium/c/kalsium supplements. I'll report back if this works.

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