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Can electrolyte drinks increase potassium levels too much?


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Hi, I was just wondering if anybody knows the answer to the question above - whether it is possible that an electrolyte drink could increase potassium levels too much?

 I have POTS and maybe other forms of dysautonomia and I have recently started trying electrolyte drinks on my doctor's recommendation. I also eat loads of salt and drink a fair amount of water although not always as much as the recommended 2-3 litres. However any time I tried the electrolyte drink (Dioralyte mixed according to the instructions) I feel worse after a while with palpitations, my blood pressure monitor shows I have an irregular heartbeat although it is usually o.k. and the day after taking the drink I feel terrible- weak and confused with blood pressure lower than normal and a low heart rate and almost semi-conscious and delirious trying to wake up in the morning.  If anybody has any ideas as to why this might be - potassium-related or other, I would appreciate your suggestions.

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Hi ger1000 -

I use Mestrength powder added to water for rehydration and it has added Potassium. Because I have had moderately high potassium in the past, after I started drinking it my PCP checked my potassium and it was fine. Typically we secrete potassium we don't need.

With that said, there can be reasons why the potassium may not be secreted properly. It could be something else about what you're drinking or something else altogether. Definitely talk to your doctor about it as soon as you can. In the meantime it may be safer to hydrate with salt water if you are pretty sure you have the problem isolated to the electrolyte drink.

Have you tried others? Pedialyte for example ... ?

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Hi  Kaitlyn and MomtoGiuliana,

Thanks very much for your helpful replies. I haven't tried any other medicinal type electrolyte drinks but I had noticed in passing in the past that I tended to feel unwell after drinking sports electrolyte drinks or fruit juice or eating a lot of fruit , so that made me wonder if potassium is the reason. I don't think I have ever had blood tests for potassium etc. but I have had a few tests that showed minor  kidney problems, so I will ask my doctor about it. I will look into some other rehydration drinks as well and check the additives in case it is something to do with them, Thanks again,



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I would ask your doctor - you can have your potassium level tested. And if you think something is making you sick to the point of being semi-conscious - it probably makes sense not to take it anymore. 

However, I do tend to agree with MomtoGiuliana.  Even something like a banana, which is very high in potassium, contains about 1/10 of the amount of potassium you need per day.  A sports drink would have much less and other fruits and juices would also have much less.  Such a small amount of potassium is unlikely to make you so sick, so the trigger could be something else.


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Thanks very much for the further helpful replies. I do notice I have a slightly bad reaction to bananas ( feeling lightheaded and nauseous) but not as bad as the  electrolyte drinks. I haven't noticed any particular reaction to  potatoes, but there are a few things on lists of high potassium food that I do react to but I always attributed to some kind of mild allergy. I think I am usually o.k. as regards eating things with sugar without a reaction. Maybe there is another explanation not involving potassium or maybe it's possible I absorb more potassium from the electrolyte drink than I do from food. I will ask  my doctor about it at my next consultation, but as he is not really a POTS expert it is helpful to have your ideas and experiences on it, thanks, Ger


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