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BP Normal but still symptoms?

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So the other day I went to see my neurologist and like always he took my BP from lying to standing. I was lying down for 5 minutes and then sat up and immediately had extreme dizziness and lightheadedness.  I then stood up and had my BP taken although symptoms still persisted. The only thing is my BP was 120/73 and heart rate of 87. Yet after that one event, I felt super weak and fatigued for the rest of the day. I guess POTS just doesn't make sense at all.:blink:

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Exactly. I wish docs and folks could wrap their head around autonomic dysfunction. I saw cardio few months back. Practically perfect vitals. Then ended up in er in the evening. Even when my vitals are perfect I can be symptomatic. Remember the autonomic system doesn't just control BP and HR.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right! I can at times have my numbers be ok but I don't feel ok. It's frustrating. But then add in whatever else is going on. For me it could be vestibular migraine issues or chronic fatigue for example. And the numbers don't always match. Add in user error and you have a real mess. I had a med tech take my BP a couple weeks ago: 128/75! What? I'm very lucky to ever get over 100 systolic and often at or a little below 90/60 on a good day. The cuff was too small or tight or something. It took the reading too fast. And she was talking to me and having me answer questions.  Again ... Frustrating. Where did you learn to take an accurate BP?

in the end we know our bodies. It will be what it will be.


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Bigskyfam...Wow, recently had the same thing happen. Went for my cardio visit. Took the lying, sitting standing...all looked good. He actually said, " I don't think you have autonomic dysfunction anymore.  Then the next day after being up for about half an hour went south fast. BP was 70's over 50's. Had to stay in bed most of the day drinking liquids feet up etc... WhenI discussed how sometimes at home when I feel scary bad my systolic  and diastolic are very close together, he said my BP monitor must be off. I explained how when my husband would test it, or my daughter their numbers were normal...talking to a wall  ;(.


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