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Do all beta blockers cause odd feelings?

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Recently started atenelol and the side effects are super strange. I take such a low dose too. First it feels like I have a strap around my chest. Also my head is super spacey like my first time smoking pot. Also have constant phlegm in my throat and maybe lungs. Anxiety has also increased quite a bit but it's not "normal" anxiety.

Hey at least my heart rate is under control right? Not sure if this is worth it. Should I explore other beta blockers?

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It takes a few weeks to adjust when you first try a beta blocker.  I've tried 3 beta blockers - one I couldn't breathe on.  It's a very different for each person, so it's best to talk to your dr.  Beta blockers statistically have the highest success rate in helping POTS - I've read they work for 50% of the people.

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My dr told me it takes between 2 weeks and a month for the side effects to settle down.  I was on Bisoprolol, not sure if that has the same name outside of the UK.  Unfortunately the side effects didn't get any better for me.  Among other things, they dropped my bp so much I couldn't get out of bed at all without passing out.  I have also tried Propanolol which, for me, had less side effects, but sadly no help for my pots.

If the side effects aren't so dreadful that you really can't cope, I'd try to give it a bit of time and see if things improve.  If not, as others have said, there are quite a few other bb's you can try.

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The increased anxiety was unbearable. It was weird anxiety too. No adrenaline so no panic or racing heart but I felt like I was going crazy. This was with only 12.5mg of atenolol. I stopped after 3 days (yesterday) and already feel much better. Maybe I'll ask my doctor about propanolol.

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Goodr189, I can understand the question that is this worth it?   A grab bag of symptoms added in to in place of supposedly helping one huge symptom.  That sounds pretty awful.  I don't know if I would have lasted 3 days but some people say you have to get past that adjustment period... For me, I usually know pretty quick if a med is going to work for me.  ( or not,  though of course I follow doctor's directions too...)

I am on one drug as a migraine preventative that I take daily and it is typical for many to take 6 weeks to get past some side effects.  Most people experience them (mild, tingling in extremities, intolerance to taste of coke/pop) however if I had not decided to wait out those 6 weeks, I would not have been able to enjoy a quality of life that this medication for migraines has allowed me for 8 plus years now.   I wish I would have tried this drug so many years sooner when doctors first suggested.   That said, these side effects were VERY mild. 

A while ago,  a neurologist talked me into trying something ( I agreed to give it a try against my better judgement). I did not tolerate well and I felt like I was jumping out of my skin.  I think I lasted about 2 days but I felt it took longer than that to get it out of my system.

I was on propranolol many years ago (before diagnosis of dysautonomia but perhaps some same  symptoms; related to Mitral Valve Prolapse MVP).  I was on it for two stretches of a year or more each.  I eventually got off only due to pregnancies.  I found it helpful for heart rate and BP.  Of course every "body" is different but the only side effect I remember (and I tend to be medically sensitive...) is it made me quite tired but I functioned well > I was either working many hours with many young children or mother of at least small child at home if that puts things into perspective.   It was not that incapacitating for me.  ( again before major onset of POTS/Dys. symptoms and diagnosis). For the BB propranolol, the benefits outweighed the slight negative side effects for me.  I don't remember the dosage I was on--it was time release.  I think I took brand name Inderal LA at the time. 

Obviously consult your doctor but I wouldn't give up right?  Keep trying. There might be a BB that would work for you or at lease give you some relief or at least something else to help... 

Wishing you the best, 


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