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Fitbit charge HR resting HR


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For those that wear a fitbit to monitor your heart rate do you find that the app always says your average resting hr is the same?

Mine gives me the same daily average for weeks on end, I've started to think it's odd so I've been taking all the charted readings and averaging them myself (it's a pain to do)  But as I have,  I've found that my daily average does in fact vary day to day like I thought and its higher than the Fitbit app tells me. Though I do find my realtime readings to be within a couple of beats of my bp monitor so I think the reading I see at the moment in my wrist - most of the time- is relatively accurate. It doesn't seem to pick up on spikes or rise as quickly as it seems my hr does when I'm standing. 

i know it says "resting heart rate" which is different than your moving heart rate (I don't move very much anyways) but am I missing something with it alWays listing the same and that the averages I calculate are higher than what it is telling me my average is? Does anyone we notice this? 

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The Polar HR monitors with a chest strap are ECG accurate (medically accurate). The Fitbit isn't accurate. There have been lawsuits about this.  

There are times when my Fitbit is way off from when I measure my pulse.  I use it to get a rough sense of my HR.  If you think the averages are wrong, you can try to contact their customer service.

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I would echo what yogini said. In my experience drs don't care what a fit bit says. Whereas my polar hr monitor has had nothing but good coments from medical professionals, to include 3 diffrent cardiologist. My cardiologist used my recorded heart rate data to help make his decision about the pacemaker, after he knew it was accurate, it has always been within 1 beat of ecg, EKG and 2-3 with pulseox. My cardio said the data from my hr monitor was more trustworthy than most pulseox readers. I can speak from experience that it is definitely more accurate to have any kind of chest strap monitor. 

It was neat the other day I also found out its average is in line with my pacemaker average. ?

Hope you can figure something out with your fit bit!

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My resting hr changes. While not as accurate as chest strap I got mine for sleep and activity. HR was a bonus. I find it does catch a few highs and lows and is accurate when laying or sitting... When really active it "sticks" and isn't as accurate as a chest strap. But overall....I can easily gauge my HR based on symptoms now. I have caught tachy when sleeping. Send me a pm if you want to be Fitbit friends 

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