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Swimming and lifting weights

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Tyler is swimming 3 times a week and lifting weights twice a week. He stills goes to pt once a week to work on core muscle strengthening. For those that don't know, Tyler was diagnosed with POTS in 2011 but tested positive for basal ganglia autoimmune antibodies in November 2013. These antibodies interfere with cell signaling and he was not able to stand or walk for almost 3 years. He had to go through a year of plasma exchange treatment to get the antibodies out of his system. He stopped treatment in July of 2015 and was able to peddle a stationary bike without tremors in June 2015. In November 2015, he was finally able to stand up by himself and took his first steps. His progress has been slow and steady. He is only able to walk about 13 minutes on land but in the pool it's a different sight. I just want encourage everyone to do what ever exercise you can. I have a differnt opinon about exercise and getting the heart rate up.When Tyler started doing exercise, he could only peddle the stationary bike for one minute and do a few floor exercises. He could only exercise 3 days a week. This summer he is doing 4 days a week but will go down to 3 days of exercise when school starts. School increases the stress levels. Tyler does not tolerate exercise that increases the heart rate. Fatigue issues are horrible the next day for him. He is in the pool for 30 minutes and does arm and leg weights on seperate days. Listen to your body and be patient. Exercise can help but if an underlying cause is involved with your POTS, it needs to be treated. Wishing everyone the best with their exercise program. It's hard work, No matter how much you do. 

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That is a great update.  Good to hear that he is making progress.  Does his HR increase when swimming?  I can't tolerate lifting weights.  Swimming was too messy for me - between getting to the pool and then the water isn't good for my skin, eyes and hair. Also upped my HR too much - I would have to sleep for the rest of the day. I switched to yoga - which didn't increase my HR too much and worked.

Edited by yogini
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That is awesome! :D I've also been able to increase my exercise level over the past several years, although lifting weights does seem to be tough on me, like some others. I'm a firm believer in exercising improving our symptoms (done carefully and over time, of course). He is a great inspiration for all of us!

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So far his heart rate has been ok. I am in the pool with him and watch him pretty closely. We have learned that he cannot do high heart rate exercise or he will be so tired the next day that he cannot function. I have come to the conclusion that the amount or type of exercise needed in order for a person to function with POTS is different for everyone. You have to find your sweet spot with exercise.

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