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Boosting Immune System With Dysautonomia And Pots

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I have been taking much better care of myself in the last six months, but have still contracted serious viruses and bacterial infections twice now in the last month, which have taken me off work for a week at a time each time. I had surgery last fall, but was off for two months recovering. All the usual things that I do to take care of myself with dysautonomia and POTS are not enough. Not only am I getting sick badly, but I feel really unwell basically every day, due to the chronic health conditions. Does anyone have tips to offer for boosting immunity and feeling better overall?

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What kind of food do you eat? They're now saying 80% of our immune system is in our gut. I have a lot of autoimmune diseases, CRPS and POTS and have been studying and working hard to improve my gut heath over the last couple of years. I'm on three immunosuppressive drugs and have been catching "bugs" every time I go out as it seems, even though I go out rarely.

You may already be doing all the right things. Just asking. Maybe I'll learn something new.

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