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Fasciculations - Chest Vibrations


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I went to the clinic because it has been 1 week that I have been feeling pretty bad.

It feels weird in the chest plus I get these micro vibrations at times, left side of chest. It use to last 1 sec or 10 sec or 1 min. Now it goes on for hours.

Does anyone else get these?

I get them in other parts of my body as well, but most are temporary. A long lasting one is on my left leg, the calf.

I was able to show that one to the doctor because the left leg one always happens (1 per second) and it is visible, you just need a flash light and illuminate with the right angle.

At the same time, I was feeling dizzy. Turns out my blood pressure has gone down (106 and 73 while it used to be 125 and 78).

So, I'm trying to get my blood pressure up.

The doctor also refered me to a neurologist. Oh boy, the rendez-vous is 3 months later!

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Yes, I think I have something similar to what you're talking about. Once in awhile I will feel my heart speed up quickly and breifly, like an engine revving. It feels like a vibration. Mine has not been very frequent of lasted more than a few seconds at a time, although I have another sensation that is a fluttering feeling that lasts longer.

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I have all kinds of tremors and muscle twitches that I never had prior to POTS. My left thumb will do a fast twitch then slow down and move side to side on its own like it has a separate brain from mine. I have a fluttering in my ear drum periodically that the ENT says is twitching of a middle ear muscle. I've been having lots of fasciculations and cramping in my calf muscles the last couple of months. There are also random twitching in muscles in my hands, back, and face. Thankfully, none of the latter are consistent. I have developed tremors in my hands that are always there but definitely more pronounced on bad POTS days. When the tremors are bad, my hands also feels very week and "untrustworthy" so I have to use both hands to steady a cup to my lips. I have to be careful if I'm eating with utensils because my aim is bad and I also have had a sudden twitch that has sent food flying.

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