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Oddly Normal

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I have been reacting to more and more foods. I have been off of medications for some time, and for the same reasons.

In fact, it has been foods that I can eat, but I may be making progress. Time will tell. I have lost ten pounds in a month (pounds I could not afford to lose). I have been on a partial involuntary fast of sorts.

Some recent allergy testing revealed positive IGE for wheat,corn, soy, tomatoes, shellfish, among some other things. These things have been eliminated my diet.

Recently, I began reacting to cigarette smoke. A 30 year habit for me. Now I have been off of them for two days. I am chewing nicotine gum to help me quit.

What has caught my attention is that my BP and HR is normal. Not my new normal, but an actual normal.

Now I have had better days, and better spells all through the time of being sick. It has been up and down for me. I might get a better week, and then two really bad weeks etc. However, I have never had truly normal numbers. A better week has only meant tolerable. The timing of this is interesting to me.

And what I mean by normal is 80 bpm and 120/80 standing. I have not seen that in almost three years.

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That's good to hear. I hope this new "normal" normal sticks with you. I feel like ick rt this minute but later I will link some articles regarding the much more intricate role IgE activity plays in disease than the medical community realized for a long time.

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Katy, I hope that you feel better soon. I would be interested in the articles, but only when you feel well enough.

I am not getting my hopes up, or anything silly like that. I do think it is interesting.

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My immunologist had me read these articles after we discovered my vast food allergies. He wasn't implying I had any one of these diseases but wanted me to understand how much more of an impact constant IgE reactions have on the body and what a huge impact they have on illness.

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That's really good news gjensen. I hope you're on the road to better days ! The timing is interesting. I do understand the delicate balance between optimism and avoidance of disappointment though.

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Sarah, I am more interested in seeing where I am one and two weeks from now. My standing numbers are still normal. My resting HR has dropped into the 40s though. As low as High 30s. My BP is holding steady but I do not feel like it is today.

I do not think it is a coincidence, the timing. I doubt that I will stay here though. Heck, I would rather my HR be higher. I would feel better. I guess it is a period of time finding a new normal.

I have had blood tests for celiac, and they were negative. I do not suspect it. Regardless, it is eliminated from my diet.

Thank you Angelloz. I would like to see all of us get some sustained improvement.

Psalm, I try to be realistic. I am naturally skeptical of everything. I cannot help but note the response though. It is interesting. I wish that we knew and understood more.

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