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Pots Migraine/headaches


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Hello lovely dinet members,

I was wondering if anyone else with POTS who experiences migraines/headaches could tell me what theirs feel like? I have post concussive syndrome, but when I went to the neurologist to ask about my lingering migraines, he said he thought they might be POTS or tension headaches, so I'm trying to find out what's causing them. I've been getting a headache that lasts a week, and then no headaches for a couple weeks, and then the pattern continues.

Thank you so much!

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I start by experiencing nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and have worsening tinnitus and visual disturbances. Then I get a sharp throbbing, pulsating pain in my temple and behind my eye. This sometimes then radiates over the top of my head on that same side and I get a knot in the muscle at the base of my skull. I usually have rt sided migraines but occasionally will have a left one.

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It starts with the aura's. When I get blurry vision so blurry i can't see then i get flickering lights in the corners of my eyes like lightning. Then I get really lightheaded and the right side of my face goes numb and my right hand goes numb then my tongue and back of throat. I get slurred speech and then finally after about 30 minutes to an hr the aura's stop and then i get pain. luckily my pain doesn't get too bad but i get pain in the left side of my head above and around my eye and temple and i get nausea. I used to get vomiting but since i am avoiding my triggers they aren't as bad. My triggers include sodium nitrate processed meats. Fake sugars low fat yogurts and frozen dinners and tv dinners and canned soups. usually they come every six months but they are more frequent lately. last week i had one and the week before that i had 3 in 2 days!

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