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Just Can't Seem To Get A Break From Illness


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I hope everyone is well and can stay away from the flu and all the viruses going around. Tyler started out with a stomach virus I thought last Thursday. He was not able to eat but could keep fluids down. Thank goodness. However, he started adding a sore throat and a cough yesterday. This morning he wakes up with 102 fever. My husband is not feeling well either. So he goes into urgent care bright and early this morning and his flu test is positive. My husband comes back home and helps me get Tyler into urgent care.. Tyler is negative for flu and negative for strep but the doctor says he must be positive for strep. So we have a strep culture done for sure. I have Tamiflu and another antibiotic to add to Tyler's list of medications. Tyler is being treated for flu, bronchitis, and strep. I am hoping I can keep him out of the hospital.

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Oh boy. Sorry to hear this Looneymom! I have been using antibacterial stuff like crazy and anytime I hear someone cough or sneeze, I feel like I want to put a bag over my head! Lol. Hope you stay well and well wishes to your hubby and Tyler!

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Hi Rachel, Fingers crossed the medications that urgent care gave Tyler will serve their purpose and he'll be able to avoid the hospital..you acted really fast when he spiked the fever and the Tamiflu should hopefully shorten the flu symptoms for him. Will his strep culture take 24 or 48 hours to come back? He probably feels terrible.. nasty stuff going around the country this flu season :unsure:

Hope he and your husband get better soon, and knock on wood that you and your mom avoid it, also!

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65% of my apartment building has the flu right now, and given its of the older population, most of them are shocked they have it, because cvs came through and gave out flu shots here in the building to protect us. I didn't take one because I end up severely sick each time I have, and with my weakened system, I'm lysoling everything and everyone. I've had a cough the past few days, nothing too bad, just dry air I think, but this morning my throat was sore.

Home health comes out today, here's hoping she doesn't call the ambulance herself at this point. I feel worn out, but I also had a very busy day yesterday with appointments and being out.

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Everyone in our family had the flu shot in October. The cardiologist did call yesterday and wanted me to start Tyler on all the new medications. Tyler is taking Tamaflu and another antibiotic. Tyler has not had anything solid since Monday evening. He is drinking water, gatorade, and Glaceau vitamin water (orange flavor). I found it at Walmart. It is a good source of C,B.A, E and electrolytes.I have also tried the very vanilla Boost drink but it makes him sick to his stomach. He is probably losing weight but can stand to lose a little. However, this is not the way to do it. His strep culture should be back by Friday. I hope it is negative. If not, then the antibiotic Tyler has been taking for 6 months is not strong enough. Our cardiologist will have to figure out what to do next. Tyler's cough sounds less today, so the urgent care doctor may have been right about the start of Bronchitis. I have to call the cardiologist and give an update tomorrow on Tyler's condition tomorrow. I doubt that he will be able to do pex on Friday. I am just wanting to avoid the hospital scene. Tyler and I don't care for the hospital food.

I did take an Epson salt bath last night and woke up feeling very rested. Eating lots of fruits and taking my vitamins. Try and stay well everyone. This is a tough season with the flu.

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The strain of flu going around was not included in the flu shots that were given this year. That's why the shots are showing such a low efficacy. It also happens to be a particularly virulent strain so it is making people extremely ill. My Stepmother just had it and she went to the doc within the first 24 hours. They started her on Tamiflu and it cut the number of days she was sick in half compared to her friends that had it and were not treated with Tamiflu. But you have to get Tamiflu within the first couple of days of illness for it to be effective.

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I talked to the doctor's nurse yesterday afternoon. Tyler is no longer running fever but he is not able to eat solid foods or drink milk. His pain levels are up and I cannot understand him when he talks. He is so hoarse and says it hurts to swallow. Bomb pops, G2, jello, and orange vitamin water are his main diet. He will not be doing PEX today since he is not able to tolerate milk or solid foods. I am hoping to get the results of his strep culture today. If he has strep, he needs to be put on a different antibiotic. He still has his cough but it was much less yesterday. If anyone suspects they have strep, please go in and get tested. It can cause so many problems. Tyler's immune problems have been caused by the antibodies that came from step infections that did not get cleared up by antibiotics. Here is an article on strep about some of the other problems it can cause if it is not treated properly. If you suspect strep ask for the culture test not the rapid strep test. These test are not 100% accurate. Hope everyone is staying well and warm.


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