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Has Anyone Tried Paleo?

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I've been looking to change my diet to see if I can help my digestive problems and abdominal pain in any way. I've already mostly cut out gluten, dairy and refined sugars but I still have a lot of problems, so I've been looking into trying other diets like Paleo.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried Paleo and if so did it have a positive or negative effect and how long did it take for you to notice a change in symptoms?

I'd love to hear about any other dietary changes people have made that have helped too.


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Hi BeforeTheMorning,

I started working with a registered dietitian 1.5 years ago and it was one of the top 3 things that has helped me feel better since my POTS dx and one of the best investments I've made in my health. My dietitian helped me by designing a diet and supplement regimen to help me reduce histamine (among other things) which I am confident put me on the path to healing my POTS. It has also helped me greatly reduce hives and reactions to foods, rebalance my cholesterol, and reduce migraines. Family and friends often said that what I was doing was "Paleo" although it really was just a plan tailored to my labs and symptoms. It emphasized proteins, vegetables, fruits, and some gluten-free grains (I don't think the grain part is Paleo). I highly recommend that you consult one before making any changes to your diet. Many are covered by insurance too! I had to check with 3 different doctors to get a solid referral. Another bonus about working with a dietitian is that they may be one of the most holistic practitioners you may work with - the ones I work/worked with take everything into account. :)

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Due to the results of food allergy testing, I have had to exclude all grains, including corn and rice, and all nuts out of my diet. I do feel better....a better sense of wellness, since I have started the diet. Feeling improvement from the dietary change happened over a few weeks. I actually tested allergic to all the fruits and vegetables but the doctor wants to see how much improvement we can get on the current regimen since cutting out fruits and vegetables could cause nutrient deficiencies.

A couple of years ago I went gluten free. I was strict about it but got no benefit from it. But, I was replacing items with corn or rice based products and it turns out I test just as sensitive to corn and rice as I do to grains containing gluten.

I'm glad I have changed my diet. I can basically eat meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables. I have a much healthier diet now and lost 10 pounds in the first month and a half (which is good for me because I have gained a lot of weight due to the drugs I've had to take.)

I try to make a lot of things that I can freeze so I have easy meals when I don't feel well. Soups, chili, pulled pork or chicken. And I make a few baked potatoes or mashed potatoes and a couple of vegetables once a week so I have things to heat up easily on days I'm not well enough to cook. I make some quinoa (a pseudograin) to use as oatmeal for morning breakfasts or I make a six egg frittata with left over veg and cheese which covers six breakfasts. I find the key to success for me on this diet is planning ahead so I have easy things to grab and eat. If I'm not feeling well, I need easy and unfortunately, most easy things have grains if you don't plan ahead. Interestingly, most people think it must be so hard to be on this diet because they can't imagine no bread or pasta, but, I find that I don't miss the foods but I miss the convenience factor of being able to order a pizza or gran some crackers with cheese for lunch.

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I am currently on an elimination diet that is pretty much paleo but I still eat brown rice products. I have cut out gluten, soy, dairy, corn, eggs, oat, nuts, and shellfish. Also, I have switched to everything organic and grassfed beef. I am still having some digestive/reflux problems but my hematologist said it can take 8 to 10 weeks to heal. I think paleo can be helpful or just cutting out a lot of white carbs in general. I think if you look up leaky gut and the factors behind it that there is a lot of truth there. Changing your diet to heal your gut can be more helpful than anything whatever diet that may be. Also, I think leaky gut is another reason a lot of us don't absorb certain nutrients like vitamin d. Pinterest has been extremely helpful with recipes.

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Hi Before The Morning,

I have had POTS symptoms since 2011 and was formally diagnosed in March 2013, and adjusting my diet has helped me greatly.

I used to live with horrific stomach pain and found my body would totally wig out if I ate heavy, gluten rich meals - pasta, sandwiches. So, for over two years I've adopted a very strict gluten free diet and my stomach issues are much better, as is my general wellbeing.

Now when I eat the smallest trace of gluten, I'm in a world of agony and spend the night on the toilet. Not pretty! You've got to be careful gluten is in a lot of stuff - sauces, chocolate etc.

I also purchased a nutri-bullet and drink plenty of fresh juices packed with leafy greens. Avoiding large meals, refined sugars and limiting my dairy intake has also been beneficial. I definitely try to stick to eating whole foods too - no preservatives!

I'm frustrated that my doctors didn't recommend that I change my diet - it took going to a naturopath to get this good advice.

Good luck with it all!

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Hey folks! Have any of you used "Thrive Market" to order GF / paleo friendly products? I just come across it 2 days ago. They have several alternative flours that I've been looking for at much better prices than I've found locally. Also some seed based cracker type things that actually don't have any grains or nuts that will actually fit I to my diet. After a trial period, there is a moderate annual membership fee but I'm thi king it might be worth it. Any feedback?

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I did a mostly paleo diet, with no-to-very-low sugars, no white carbs, etc. I lost 45 pounds in less than a year(which I needed to lose!). And everyone here knows that exercise did NOT factor in to my weight loss! I continued to eat no-low sugar for the next 1.5 years. I found I was mentally sluggish and low energy that whole time. I slowly added in some sugar and carbs, a delicate balance. I regained my mental and physical energy(not robust by any means). I personally cannot do without some carbs. I admit I do have sugar balance issues, being mostly low sugar. I just feel more "balanced" when I include gluten free grains here and there. I eat mostly from-scratch cooking, except for those darn Fritos I am addicted to at the moment!

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