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Still having issues with loss of appetite and continued weight loss which I know is not good when trying to recover. I'm pretty much eating anything that might sound good at the moment including carbs of all kinds and fast food-not cooking much these days so it's Wawa hoagies or soup; Chinese takeout; fast food, or frozen entrees. I did steam up some cauliflower and asparagus last weekend and ate that all week so that's about all the "good" food I've had recently. Even eating this "bad" food, I'm full or nauseous pretty quickly or even BEFORE I eat so I'm not eating a lot of junk either. It's very frustrating knowing I need calories and I need to eat and I need to gain weight, lost another 1.5# this week after a bit of what I think was a GI bug but who knows what it was. GI doctor just says to eat small meals and graze throughout the day and drink a supplement like ensure or boost.

I figure any calories at this point are better than nothing, but am I doing maybe more harm than good eating the sugars and flours? I'm avoiding garlic if at all possible since I've read that lowers bp which is also an issue the last few days because I don't seem to be retaining the fluid I'm drinking despite my increased salt intake.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I'm very concerned about my low weight.


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Hello Newoldpotsie. I'm sorry you are feeling so poorly. I would agree with drinking the boost or ensure. They are small quantities so easy to "get down" and have a lot of carbs. They also have some of the nutrients you need and are easy to just pull out of the refrigerator when you don't have the energy to do much more. Hope you are feeling better soon!

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I think the RPAH allergies and intolerance clinic here in Sydney, Australia, recommends the vanilla flavoured ensure because it is likely to cause less problems. I'm far from a complete fan of the clinic's food progam because I now belong to one of the 'small' group of people who become more sensitive to foods that they have elimated on the diet, than when they were first advised to go on the diet.

Just putting this out there but maybe you would want to run this suggestion by a doctor. Cyproheptadine aka Periactin(a first generation H1 anti-histamine) makes me very hungry when I take it and I feel less nauseous. It is used for people with anorexia and also anorexia nervosa, sometimes. It can help with migraine control (that's why I took it for a while -- mostly it helps teens with migraine control but it did help me for a while when I took it and I was entering my 50s) but will probably stop or dramatically slow down your digestive system if you have constipation problems (that's one of my gi problems). I doubt that would be a problem for anyone who has diarrhea, it could help. I'm no medical expert, actually I'm almost a complete ignoramus when it comes to all knowledge medical so if the cyproheptadine suggestion makes any sense don't take my word for it but see a doctor first.

Just thought I'd pass on this info. I have seen a you-tube presentation by a pediatric dysautonomia specialist (sorry I didn't keep a link, but you'd probably find it if you did a search on you tube for it) who uses cyproheptadine as well as other meds in his teen patients.


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